New Mumble server
Our previous mumble server was running on Amazon's EC2 service, it's a good service and the server has run well but sadly the free tier it's been running on is about to end (free tier is only valid for a year) and when it comes to pricing there are services that can fill our needs at a considerably lower price which is why I've moved our server.
If you're client is set up to connect to the server via the URL ( you don't need to do anything, you'll automatically be connected to the new server. If your client is set up to connect via IP you should changed it to connect via the URL above instead. You can do this either by adding it as a new server or selecting the old one in Mumbles connect window and clicking the edit button.
Password is the same as before (if you need it you can find it in the mumble topic in the Guild Business forum) and if you registered yourself on the old server you're still registered on the new one, all settings were migrated.
The first time you connect you might get a notice a message about an invalid certificate, just like the old server, just click OK. It won't bother you again.
Ping times should remain about the same or even be improved by the move so that's nice.
Finally, running murmur itself (the mumble server software) doesn't use up anywhere near all of the available hardware and judging by the bandwidth used yesterday by Zenosis and me a month worth of Mumble use won't get anywhere near the included bandwidth. What I'm saying is that we could easily put other things on the server if we wanted to (like a game server, minecraft for example) so if you got any ideas or requests feel free to let me know.