Party quest on class quests: bug

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Party quest on class quests: bug

Post by Lisszia »

If you enter the class quest of others taking place on a separate station for the other class better have a ship pass active, in case you have the bug I encountered today. I was not able to exit to the ship after the quest was done, nor re logging reloading game or UI helped, at last support transported me to fleet but for that I had to log out for half an hour. Emergency ship pass can solve it but without it active you might find yourself unable to exit between the already done phase (red door) and the ship door to an other class ship what does not let you enter.
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Re: Party quest on class quests: bug

Post by Raiah »

Yup, had that once too. Doesn't always happen though, I've been on a couple and had people with me on a few too, only ever happened once. Not sure if it's any specific missions or anything you do...
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Re: Party quest on class quests: bug

Post by Lisszia »

Well at the end support didn't get her out. I was on several myself and happened only now once. So it not always go like this :) But in case next time I'll be prepared.
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
Other chars: Rhoo, Lisszia, Tríz, Lorna(imp), Loran, Cicc, Lette, Sla'laktu, Deesha, Siar, Old-triz, Lenaa (Nekni(imp), Nekní)
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