Favourite Daily Area

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Favourite Daily Area

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The Black Hole
Section X
Total votes: 9

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Favourite Daily Area

Post by Raiah »

So, I was thinking about this, figured we could have some fun with it.

Which one is your favourite daily area? Vote in the poll. Feel free to leave your thoughts on why you like the one you do.

While we're at it, for some more fun, on what planet currently in the game would you like to see a daily zone added? (Sadly can only do one poll.)


For me The Black Hole and Section X are kind of a tie, but I'll give Section X my vote.
I really like the look and feel of Section X, the place just looks good, the Black Hole on the other hand is just another area on Correlia they all just look pretty much the same and pretty boring.
The said, in Section X you have two missions (the two down in those bunkers/structures) in particular that I personally feel are too long and complicated as dailies (would be great as one time side-missions or as the Heroic, with harder mobs of course) specially with the reward they give which isn't really any better than the rest. I think they got the mission nailed in the Black Hole, there is a very good path through the area and all the missions give a decent reward for the work done (I do hate the toxic spill though, or rather, I hate only being allowed to pick up one injector when you need at least two).

If I could pick any one planet and put a daily zone on it I'd pick Tatooine. Tatooine is a unique planet, very visually distinct from any other in the game and with it being not even halfway through the level curve I think it would be nice to give 50s a reason to revisit it.
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Re: Favourite Daily Area

Post by pata »

My vote is on Section X. It has a unique atmosphere, what I like very much.
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Re: Favourite Daily Area

Post by SethAltair »

I'll go with Ilum. If we're completely honest, most of the quests are not much more than 'pick ten monster teeth' but the planet's color scheme is wonderful, I love the detailed sky and the icy landscape with occasional weather effects. Section X comes as a good second. The heroic is a bit something new and again, I'm easily won over with night scenery.
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Re: Favourite Daily Area

Post by Lisszia »

I like Illum best.. If there would be conversations instead of dorpbox then Section X would be my favourite. Still I go mostly to BH... as that is fast... and usually I don't have much time ... But not because I like that most...
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Re: Favourite Daily Area

Post by Roee »

I like Section X as well, it gives you lots of daily comms and money.
BH is good too.

I wish Ilum had a weekly quest with BH comms like in the above 2, same in Belsavis.

I would like to see new dailies in Nar Shadda.
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