SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

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SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by narses »

Main form:
Have you read and understood our rules?

Are you at least 18 years old?

Introduce yourself. Who are you?
An austrian living in germany, applying to a brittish guild *grins* so bear with me and my english.
I think of myself being a happy and humorous pal, not complicated and not interested in drama. As self-advertisement stinks I beter keep it short and time will show anyways.

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?
Actually RP is for me always the main reason playing MMOs. As I am somewhat of a casual player nowadays it is rather difficult to give a number. When leveling an RP char the time is evenly split between RP and leveling but when the leveling is done it is almost 100% RP. Though I wouldn't turn flashpoints and groupquests down for a change.

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?
Primarily RP in both ways, and second to that PVE. It would be also great if the guild would grant me time for myself as well. Often I am half afk (family) and can't dedicate myself solely to ingame.

What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with)
Narses Kalchas

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)
Publicly a young (in his late twenties, early thirties) and aspiring dashing man searching for business opportunities, seeking to build up some reputation. Part Han Solo (I know, stereotypical *grins*), part Malcolm Reynolds (Captain from the Serenity show) he might have some secrent background burdens piled up.
So much about his personality, I prefer to introduce more traits in actual RP instead of posting a whole 100 page bio up front *grins* making him some glassy person.

Some infos about his physical appearance, he has brown hair, blue eyes, stands around 185cm tall. He is rather athletic than the Conan type.

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?
Already started to RP with Rhoo. If my app is accepted, here we have my RP entrance opportunity.

What is you Guild Wars 2 username? The one with the four numbers.

What is your primary character's name?

If you have anything established yet, introduce your primary character.

Optional Extras:
Do you have prior experience with roleplay?
Countless years of P&P, mostly D&D, Warhammer RP (not the tabletop), Schwarze Auge, Mythus.
MMORPGs include SWG, LotRO, AoC and a tiny bit TSW.

Where did you find out about our guild?
Via http://www.swtor-rp.com

Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?
Yes *displays big round puppy dog eyes*
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by Lisszia »

Welcome to the forums and to us I hope you will find a cosy Rp home here. I'll give you the forum rights to see everything and whisper any of our officers in game for an invite. (I was Rhoo )
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
Other chars: Rhoo, Lisszia, Tríz, Lorna(imp), Loran, Cicc, Lette, Sla'laktu, Deesha, Siar, Old-triz, Lenaa (Nekni(imp), Nekní)
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by Lisszia »

I added you to the sheets, please check if I mistyped anything and if you want anything like main role, craft added Pm me or jut post in the thread and I'll do so.
TKM character list (private)

Also most of the useful and less active links you can find here:
New member/visitor important links and info

If you want to do an FP, IC and not with random players and GF, or just would better like to do it with guildies , or you would like to make any Rp or other event fell free to post in event section, and I'll add to the calendar.

You can also bug our RP officer SethAltair on her chars, about IC joining , but as you said Rhoo already knows you so she can also introduce you.

Any other questions you have just poke me and I'll try my best to answer.
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
Other chars: Rhoo, Lisszia, Tríz, Lorna(imp), Loran, Cicc, Lette, Sla'laktu, Deesha, Siar, Old-triz, Lenaa (Nekni(imp), Nekní)
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by pata »

Welcome in the guild!
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by SethAltair »

Welcome Narses : ) Hope you'll find the guild to your liking. Looking forward to rping with you!
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by Slide »

Hi. In TKM, we have members that RP sporadically, very dedicated RP'ers and everything in between. I'm happy to say that we run operations, PvP evenings and RP events. Like myself, we have players that can't resist spewing the odd IC silliness during ops and WZs. This said, I hope you'll find TKM to your liking.

"Nice pants. Where you got them, Tightooine?"

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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by Vadmacska »

Welcome on board!
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by Lisszia »

Welcome back as trialist hope to see you in game
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
Other chars: Rhoo, Lisszia, Tríz, Lorna(imp), Loran, Cicc, Lette, Sla'laktu, Deesha, Siar, Old-triz, Lenaa (Nekni(imp), Nekní)
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Re: SWTOR Application - Narses Kalchas

Post by Silgan »

welcome in the guild! Hope you will have good times here :)
we have people from finland, sweden, israel, belgium, rumania, hungarya, spain, germany, the Netherlands, Austria and the uk.. so i wouldnt say we are a british guild :p
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