Lithaka's recruitment

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Lithaka's recruitment

Post by Blince »

b]Main form:[/b]
Yes, I have read the rules!

I am 16 years of age, but I have several people that I can reference that can vouch for me being a mature Roleplayer and Gamer.

I'm quite a jokey person, I tend to make jokes almost 100% of the time. I like to RP a lot, and generally dislike leveling in general ( Though in SWTOR I have been enjoying the story based gameplay. ) I live in South Africa and have EXTREMELY unreliable internet, so if I DC, and it takes longer than five or so minutes, don't wait up. I'm quite a chilled guy, and I don't generally start fights often unless it's over something serious.

I am very, very into my Roleplaying, not to the point that I take it to a OOC level, but I have a deep, deep passion for Roleplaying, and enjoy it to a very high level. I am one of the respected Roleplayers on Lotro, and again have people I can reference in respect to that.

I think that I could offer some fun RP for the Guild, or atleast I hope I can. I hope the Guild can turn me from a Roleplayer trying to break his way into this game, into a proper lore-acknowledged and fun person with inside jokes and whatnot! I can't offer much in PVP at the moment, as I am still learning SWTOR

Lithaka Kolten

Lithaka is a simple farm-girl, who when her parents died inherited their farm- which she quickly sold to buy a ship, which was in poor, poor condition. She named the ship 'Rust-Bucket' and is now traveling along space(When the ship works, of course.)

Yes and very much yes! I will do my best to meet the person!

Optional Extras:
Yes! Quite some! I have a roleplaying page on the website that we use for Roleplaying on Lotro. (

By glancing about pleadingly on the Forums for a fun Guild!

I make a lot of jokes! Please don't take anything mean or offensive I say serious- And if I do, please tell me and I will do my best to make up for it, as it is never my intention
Last edited by Blince on Tue Sep 24, 2013 18:46, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by SethAltair »

Hello Lithaka :)
It's nice to hear you think so well of us but before we get on with your application, could you check our application template here: ... f=12&t=614
and edit your first message or post the full application below and make sure to take a look at our rules ^^ Thanks!
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by Lisszia »

She sounds like a fun character. I'll be glad to meet her in game. for now I'm a bit overwhelmed with 3 recruits and our PVE and RP officers on a leave for some weeks for RL reasons, so I can't promise to be fast in introducing you IC-ly to the guild but we will see.

But first I'd like to ask a bit more detailed application, the template can be copied from the template post or guild leader made at the top of the recruitment section. Or reached from Seth's link above. As we are a small social RP guild we would like to know our applicants a bit more, that is why we use this process.
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by Blince »

I re-did the recruitment thing!
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by Lisszia »

Al right. I'm an old hag, Mist can tell, so you have a month to prove me , and other guildies that you are mature, and see if we fit the guild you were looking for. I give you full forum rights so feel free to browse and poke any officer in game for invite
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
Other chars: Rhoo, Lisszia, Tríz, Lorna(imp), Loran, Cicc, Lette, Sla'laktu, Deesha, Siar, Old-triz, Lenaa (Nekni(imp), Nekní)
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by SethAltair »

Thanks for filling the application ^^ As Lisszia said, take your time browsing the secrets of the forums and get to know people in-game. We'll try to introduce you to guild RP as soon as possible but things are quite busy both for me and Lisszia, so IC meeting might take a while to arrange. I've recently moved to UK and everything's a bit messy but come next week, I should already have more chances online. Hope you'll enjoy your time till then and find some open RP meanwhile :)
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by mistaahh »

Lisszia wrote:Al right. I'm an old hag, Mist can tell
Nah, you're fine <3

Welcome person that is slightly older!
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Re: Lithaka's recruitment

Post by pata »

Xoana (shadow)
Mortel (scoundrel)
Sennera (sage)
Grao-tak/Grao (gunslinger/vanguard)
Botond (guardian)
Lirian (commando)
Jázmin (sentinel)
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