Vaectris Application

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Vaectris Application

Post by TheEthernal »

Main form:
Have you read and understood our rules?
Yes i have read the forums rules and terms.

Are you at least 18 years old?
Yes I am 23 years old at the time of this application.

Introduce yourself. Who are you?
I am Jonas, I live in the northern parts of Sweden. I am a guy who works in a hospital and has a big interrest in game development as a hobby. Also have a big interrest in Star Wars in general. I was previously a mostly Imperial player until recently when i found the Imperial side community stale and boring.

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?
Yes, as a matter of fact i would call myself a Roleplayer by heart. I feel as one should create a personality in the charater you spend so much time on "grinding" up. Also love the relations and friendships that comes from Roleplay.

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?
Thats hard question for me to answer cause of the fact that so many players already have those traits in your guild that i offer. I can only reinforce what is already strong in every guild. A good, fun, social and effecient player with a sense of creativity.
What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with) My charaters name is Vaectris and is a Jedi Guardian.

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)
Vaectris is the daughter of a mother who was married to a Imperial Moff but decided to flee to the Republic due to Vaectris connection to the force. Her mother did not want to see her beloved daughter become a something of a egocentric, selfcentered murderer like most other siths. Due to her early age she does not remember much about the Empire or the sith. She is a black haired, blue eyed jedi with a great connection to the force but has difficulty to harness it. She is usually a shy girl who rather likes to be quiet but she can loose her temper and go for a rather more beserk stance sometimes.

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?
I would consider myself introduced by the player "Mistaahh" as he took Vaectris as a padawan. But i would also like the oppurtunity to meet some other of the officers of the guild to be introduced RP-wise.

Optional Extras:
Do you have prior experience with roleplay?
As a roleplayer who has been on the game since the beta testing stages i would consider myself as a experienced roleplayer. I've been in such imperial guilds as Shadow Covenant, Crimson Moon, Coven of the silent song, Dark lords of the sith, Hands of Darkness and many more guilds over the games duration.

Where did you find out about our guild?
I belive my first encounter was in a PvP match when i played a imperial charater. Otherwise i've seen some posts on and and liked the system and the reactions everyone towards your guild

Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?
The only other thing is that due to my work my hours can be a bit dodgy as i can work both day and night. Otherwise not much.
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by mistaahh »

Finally xD
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by Lisszia »

Welcome I'll set you to trialist, and I'll give you full forum rights so feel free to browse
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by pata »

Xoana (shadow)
Mortel (scoundrel)
Sennera (sage)
Grao-tak/Grao (gunslinger/vanguard)
Botond (guardian)
Lirian (commando)
Jázmin (sentinel)
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by Ichaln »

Welcome. :)
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by MaxwellSloan »

Maxwellsloan (sentinel melee dps)
Davy'jones (gunslinger ranged dps)
B'rienne (vanguard tank)
C'alypso (shadow tank)

Borman (sniper ranged dps)
Rai'vo (sorcerer ranged dps)
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by SethAltair »

Hello Vaectris!

Glad to see you here! We always welcome more roleplayers, or well, players in general, heh. It's good you've got things underway with Mistaahh, but it would be good to arrange her a meet-up with rest of the folks too. Mistaahh can easily bring her over to one of the events. Hope you'll find TKM a place to be and welcome, once more :)
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Re: Vaectris Application

Post by mistaahh »

Believe me Seth, he won't expect the amount of rp it takes to statisfy me..
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