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Post by Maxximus80 »

Main form:
Have you read and understood our rules?

Yes u do.

Are you at least 18 years old?

I am, i am 33.

Introduce yourself. Who are you?

My name is Max, i live in Holland. And im a great fan of star wars and TOR.

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?

Yes! Im always up for RP.

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?

A guild to call home. Friendly people, Social and Fun.
Im interested in RP/Pve

What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with)

My chars, who i would like to join with are:

Shikome: Consular, shadow.
Annelies: Smugler, scoundrel.

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)


Shikome was born 21 years ago on Cathar. After a relative normal childhood until the age of 14, she became aware that she was force sensative. Knowing that her father would never accepted this, becose he always was against everything to do with the force, she kept it a secret.
For 2 years she kept it from her father. One evening she walked home from a friends house, two guys came up and intended on mugging her. One of them tried to scare her with a knife. Not knowing how to handle this she unleased her force power and pushed both of them away from her. As she never had any real training she could not control this and pushed them to hard. One of the guys survived and ran, the other killed on impact. In total shock Shikome ran home and told her father. Her father was furious! He demanded she learned some dissapline. To keep her out of harms way and be tought dissapline her father signed her up to join the Cathar Millitairy service.
For 2 years she served, and worked as a Cathar Guard. Constantly craving the way of the force she knew she could not turn to the Jedi Temple as she was to old.
After leaving the service Shikome started to travel the galaxy, doing little jobs and then moving on.. looking for a home or a place to call her own.


Not alot is know about the younger years of Annelies. Rumor has it she used to work as a trade runner, pod racer, mercanairy and other frowned upon activities.
Annelies is a sweet girl with very rough edges. A real tomboy with a love for everything the goes fast or shoots straight.
Can this girl find a new purpose, new friends? We shall see.

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?

That would be great fun, im online almost every day, specialy in the evening.

Optional Extras:
Do you have prior experience with roleplay?

Yes, i have roleplayed for years on other games like WoW, GW2 and also Swtor.

Where did you find out about our guild?


Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?

Not at the moment.
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Re: Aplication

Post by mistaahh »

Greets from belgium! :D
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Re: Aplication

Post by Lisszia »

I'll add you as a trialist and poke us for inv in game. Me or Seth will send you a PM how to join the birds IC
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
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Re: Aplication

Post by Silgan »

hey there, welcome in the guild!


silgan-klara (commando healer/dps)

and a few more......
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