The Force Awakens

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The Force Awakens

Post by Raiah »

Spoiler warning, obviously...

Holy crap! The force is strong with this one!

It's a modern movie, a lot of stuff happens, high pace, lots of action but this is Star Wars. No doubt there will be people who hate it but in top three for me.

Some thoughts:
  • Where is the Republic military? Leia is a Republic general but she's leading this "Resistance", the Republic fleet is only mentioned, what, they've got something better to do? I get it, they want the rag tag group of rebels but seriously...
  • Kylo Ren or Ben. Going by what he does I'd say he's stronger in the force than Anakin ever was. Do Skywalkers just get stronger every generation?
  • Rey. Love her, amazing character. Good to see a woman in the lead. Clearly even stronger in the force than Kylo is even without training. She just intuits how to use the force and learning to use the force is supposed to be hard for grown ups. Maybe it's too obvious but I'm going to bet she too is a Skywalker, somehow.
  • Luke, well, he was in the movie...
  • Han... Did not expect them to do that. I mean, I saw it coming the second he walked out on that bridge, but I did not expect that.
  • The First Order, would have been nice if they weren't so purely and obviously evil. I prefer a couple shades of grey, not pure black and white but oh well. They're just the pawn of Snoke (what a name... Smoke), wouldn't be surprised if he's got other groups working for him as well.
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Re: The Force Awakens

Post by Machior »

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

I'm just going to bounce in here and say that I thought it was an absolutely, ridiculosly great movie. Gods, I couldn't believe the reviews saying that the movie was better then Empire, but it sure was!

As to your thoughts Raiah:
- Yeah, I didn't get the entire Republic thing either. It was just a bit of an afterthought, and then they went all "Death Star" on the core planets... holy crap :P
- His Force powers do seem extremly impressive, and yes he does look more powerful then Vader. But on the other hand he may be trying to live up to the myth of Vader and he just thinks he isn't as strong. Since the rest of the older episodes seems to "mythical" in this time period also. His parentage was a bit obvious from his name I though though Skywalker and Solo...
- Rey was a fantastic character indeed, strong woman with a very defined character. And with her and the Force, she definitely has Skywalker blood in her veins. Either Luke's daughter or mayhaps the twin sister or younger sister of Ben. Family clash yet again ;)
- Luke, yes he was in the movie and while short, I thought the scene was quite powerfull still. No dialogue, just the expressions
- Han, yes again it was obvious what was going to happen, and turning Kylo back this way was too obviously simple. Very strong scene though. It also showed the struggle quite good in Kylo (symbolically also with the light fading from the scene).
- The First Order, hmm... was to be expected. Star Wars always was a bit more "good vs evil" thing, so didn't really expect anything different as such. Snoke however, was the only thing I didn't really like too much about the movie. Yes, it was a hologram and all, but the CGI was strong with him. That's the only real point in the movie I didn't like. The character himself was good, just the CGI bit I wasn't too much a fan of. Would have preferred if they used make-up or something to make a more deformed human or something on Any Serksis. But that's just me.

Right, bouncing up and down still. Week can hardly get any better then having seen the movie. Very high spirits :P
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Re: The Force Awakens

Post by Raiah »

Hmm, trailers had Luke saying something like "The force is strong in my family, my father had it, I have it, my sister has it and you have it" that wasn't in the movie. I can't think of anyone else that can apply to than Rey.

I'll say it would have been cool if they actually did turn Kylo back to the light side because as you say it was so obvious that would fail. Would actually been cool if they went straight against every expectation there.

Well the Empire (original trilogy) wasn't purely evil, the Emperor and the Sith, sure, but not the Empire itself, not the way the first order was. Just take that speech. Then again, the Empire was an actual government in control of much of the galaxy, not exactly the case for the order so it works for them to be evil.

Another thing in relation to the Order. Captain Phasma was played up quite a bit before the movie but barely played a role. Meanwhile Hux who had a fairly prominent role was barely mentioned before. I'm assuming Phasma shows up again though.
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Re: The Force Awakens

Post by Raiah »

Interesting theory by Gameinformer, #4, Rey is the granddaughter of Obi-Wan. That'd be pretty cool where as another Skywalker might feel forced. I didn't catch it at the time but apparently during Rey's vision (when she found Luke's lightsaber) you here Obi-wan (both actors)
we also hear a distant voice, which proclaims: “Rey…these are your first steps.” In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, J.J. Abrams explains that they had Ewan McGregor come in to perform that line for the movie. Subsequently, the filmmakers found a line of dialogue spoken by Alec Guinness in which he said : “Afraid,” and they edited it so that Guiness was saying “Rey,” which they combined with McGregor’s line.
Sure, Yoda is in there too, but Obi-wan says her name, would imply some connection, no?
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Re: The Force Awakens

Post by Raiah »

Here's another interesting and popular theory I've seen. Snoke is a character we've heard about before. (And I'll leave a bit of space below in case anyone doesn't want to read that theory.)

Snoke is Darth Plagueis. When Kylo was talking to Snoke, did the music seem familiar? The track called Snoke in the official soundtrack is very similar to the EP3 track called Palpatine's Teachings which plays when Palpatine talks to Anakin about Darth Plagueis (I figured the music there was just part of the light show but oh well).

I don't know if I'd call that proof (which some people like to do) but at the very least it indicates a connection to Palpatine in some way and considering how much Star Wars like connecting people it'll be a stronger connection than both being dark side users or Sith.
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