TrixxieTriss "One approach to gearing"

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TrixxieTriss "One approach to gearing"

Post by Corvinius »

Hello, Kestrels!

I've searched long and wide about some PTS veterans and reg players strategy for gearing.

Here goes TrixxieTriss approach which seems like a good one.

Since crafting and conquest are quite limited this seems like a reasonable approach.

But everybody can give or form his/her opinion on the approach given...



25.10.19 , 07:05 PM

I hate the RNG factor, but I do love the ability to gear up my Alts.

The problem is it’s convoluted if you don’t understand the mechanics of gearing up with this system. Which Bioware haven’t told anyone and it’s been trial and error and can be expensive credit wise as you pull things in and out of gear.

Luckily, I was able to work all of this out on the pts when we could have unlimited resources to test.

Here is a simple guide to gearing up.

1. At lvl 70, you want to have the highest iRating (total gear rating) as high as possible so that the random drop gear keeps giving you higher pieces.

2. I found the best way to do this is have one lvl 70 legacy set to share between all of your Alts (set bonus gear is useless and make no difference in lvl up to 75.

3. To achieve number 2, you can go through all of your characters and rip out all the highest iRated gear and put into legacy gear (remember, set bonuses are no longer on armoring).

4. Use this set till lvl 71 and then place it back in your legacy storage as you get 268 iRating pieces. “DO NOT UPGRADE ANY THING IN THIS SET”

5. From lvl 71-74, the highest iRated gear you can use is 268. So just store any higher rated gear in your legacy storage (even if it’s crappy gear). That includes storing excess 268 gear you may pick up.

6. Try and create a second legacy set with all 268 iRating. You can do this with some of the mod’able Armor you pick up or by using older legacy gear and ripping out 268 internals and putting them into the shells.

7. The reason you want a iRating 268 legacy set is for your Alts as they lvl from 71-74 because 270+ is only wearable by lvl 75 characters.

** note ** : you no longer have specific armoring, mods or enhancements locked to gear or slot type. So you can rip out internals from any piece to create another. ie, Rip out the armoring out of a belt, mod from a glove and enhancement from a chest to make a leg piece.

8. You will pick up a lot of 268 gear as you lvl. This should allow you to create a “sort of” min max 268 set. Even when you get to lvl 75 (if you lvl fast), you will still be getting 268 until you have a total 270 iRating.

9. It’s important to have a full set of 268 iRated gear to then store for your other Alts.

** note ** Level 75 and 270+ iRated gearing,

10. When you get to lvl 75, you will hopefully be getting 270 gear, as you lvl the gear, it’s important to watch that iRating or you will not get higher gear (very fast, if at all). That means watching all pieces and not just concentrating on getting up one piece you can min max.

11. You can achieve number 10 by also ripping out armoring, mods and enhancements. Even if you just rip out a 272 mod to a 270 hand, it can eventually contribute to your over all iRating.

11. Eventually you will have an iRating or 271, then 272, then 273 and so on. As your iRating goes up, you will get better and better gear. But only if your total iRating keeps climbing.

12. You will occasionally pick up a tactical or set piece along the way. Keep these even if they don’t match your current class properly. You will need them later for other Alts and the tactical helps get your iRating up (I think).

13. Don’t buy stuff from the vendors as you lvl unless you are desperate because it’s a waste of tech frags. If you do max your tech frags, buy a set bonus piece on a little used Alt and log straight off. These pieces have a refund timer and as long as you don’t login on that Alt and let the timer run down, you can basically store excess tech frags that way till it’s time to buy your set pieces (which don’t come with internals).

14. As you lvl up, keep the best set you can for a variety of Alts. You should swap this set(s) between your Alts so that you will always be getting higher iRated gear, regardless of which Alt you are playing, you will be gearing up to 306 the fastest.

15. When you get to iRating 300+, you should start specialising in your different class gear and possibly start buying set bonus gear. By now, you should have mostly 300+ armorings, mods and enhancement to fill these up. You can still swap them with all your Alts because they will start to get drops for them too at 300+ lvl,

16. At iRating 306, you should start to min max properly. There really is no point doing it with gear lower than this because there are 18 different the same types of armoring, mods, enhancements, hilts, barrels, ear, implants and relics.

** Note ** Remember, all of your left side stuff like ears are also legacy bound now. So you can swap those between your Alts

My own plan is to not use the RNG vendor until I’m ready to min max. That may not be the best way or other people’s preferred way, but I think it will be the most efficient use of tech frags.

Let me finish by saying I’m not a fan of the 18 different types of the same gear for each iRating or the amount of iRating LvLs (268 - 306 is over kill). And I dislike the RNG factor immensely, but the ability to gear up Alts by swapping any and all gear via legacy to keep them all lvling at the highest iRating makes this the most Alt friendly gearing system this game has ever had.

Anyway, I hope that help people with gearing up. And I hope I haven’t missed anything in my explanation.
The biggest challenge I’ve found so far is the “house keeping” or the gear in my legacy storage and making sure I don’t deconstruct anything too early.
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