Guild Nights

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Re: Guild Nights

Post by BadJawa »

Wotcha everyone,

PvP isn't for everyone. It really isn't.

Just so you know where I'm coming from, I AM RUBBISH AT PVP.

Really, I am. I'm not being modest, I really am rubbish. I prefer my PvP opponents to be asleep on the toilet, because then I have a chance.

Having said that, I really enjoy taking part in PvP when part of a group of friends. It's just chaotic and fun, but when everyone works as a team my own failure is not so pronounced.

Not only that, but a group of guildmates who are thinking about the objectives rather than just farming kills "in the middle" tend to do more, and win more. Never mind the comedy chats over voice comms. I personally "specialise" in flag defence; yes, as a bit of a speed-bump, but that's all you need to do to make a surprisingly important difference.

I'd recommend trying it out, at least once. Every game is different, but so is every guild. And you'll also get to hear me say; "Oops. Dead again" until you're sick of it.


As for Night Hawks at weekends, the idea is as much to give our "late" starters (those for whom a 19:30 local start is actually a 21:30 start in England) a chance of having a full event than it is to finish late.. Yes, we'll probably have Night Hawks events at weekends, but I would hope most will be during the week, alongside the usual 19:30GMT start time events.

For everyone who works shifts; you have my sympathies. We'll do our best for you.

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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Lisszia »

Sounds good. I found out that I like PvP events, I can get addicted, but till I learn it I'm just horrible, and I start to be nervous, what makes me even worse in it, later there are still problems with my relativity slow reaction time and with me mixing up directions sometimes in the middle of a fight. So it might not be a good thing for me to do it with those who are really good in it. :) Will there be a learning/beginner/frightened-but-want-to-try-out team?
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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Exerxes »

At least within a Guild group PVP will be without one of its major cons:

Idiots with big egos talking smack to anyone within radius... >.>

I love it in WoW, where one is guy is like 'Do this, this and this', yet doesn't actually do any of that himself...

I enjoy BGs in WoW. You just need to pick your targets wisely.

See that guy there, yeah the one with 12 HPs left, and that one there with 10000000000000 HPs left? Hit the one with 12 HPs first...

Slightly oversimplified, but yeah, numbers can beat skill, new folks just need to learn when to use their numbers; and when to run away, hehehe...

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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Kaetha »

I wholly support this thread and the awesomeness present.

I also am not your average pvper, generally I hate it but in Tor I found a few nifty tricks that really made it fun. I could pvp the way I wanted for a change. Yeah another flag defender here.
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Re: Guild Nights

Post by JenDoon »

I used to hate PvP when I played in Starwars Galaxies in a roleplay guild as a lightside Jedi. It was mostly the leet talking community that put me off it, but also the fact to PvP really well, you need to train and learn about stats and how other professions fight etc.

It takes more work than learning to roleplay.

The benifits though, even to roleplayers are vast.

You want to roleplay as a Jedi Knight or Master, then you'd better be able to fight like one. This means knowing how stats and gear and power rotations work etc etc. If you want to lead your guildmates in a very hard operation, you need to understand each role inside the group and what strengths and weaknesses they have.

PvP'ers study this kind of thing, most roleplayers do not.

I'll be making sure, those of you in TKM who want to get together and train pvP skills and learn about stats etc have the guides and events to do so.
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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Exerxes »

Well we can make it as complicated or as simple as we want.

But even just to have a wise voice advising us what to do would be awesome.

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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Jens Jutoon »

Sounds really nice, but I ain't sold on it. Stats, to be honest don't mean very much to me, and I'm not the type of player who really studies a class. I just stumble along at my own pace. I really can't be bothered to study a class that much (apart from crafting). I have tried PVP in all mmo's I've been in SWG, WOW, Warhammer etc, and I can honestly say I have not enjoyed one bit of it. Maybe SWTOR will change that, but I highly doubt it.

I will give it a try. I'm not foolish enough to never try it. I'd probably give it a good 10 mins at least.

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Re: Guild Nights

Post by JenDoon »

When you mix RP with PvP, it gets fun.
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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Friesian »

I think my mother is in an Esseles holding cell..
We need kill her. That is an operation so it doesnot makes sense to write it here.

Can we go into flashpoints as a group / guild ?
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Re: Guild Nights

Post by Yogash »

group of 4
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'two words - massive cannon. I got it - you don't'
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