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Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 19:27
by BadJawa
Wotcha everyone,
I played, at some point, a few levels of all of the classes. Some I played more than others, purely dependant on what I fancied trying out at the time, and what I intend to play as a main and earlier run alts.
I am yet to find a class I did not enjoy playing. So well done BioWare!
As it is, I only played about 4 levels of Consular, but really enjoyed it. I also really enjoyed Trooper (which surprised me, because I thought I'd go for smuggler more, but I loved the storyline), so will most likely have that as the first alt.
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 23:36
by Zenosis
Nope no rethinking for me it has solidified my ideas actually, plans as follows:-
Republic Main: Jedi Sentinel (female, Lightside, Miraluka)
Republic ALt 1: Trooper Combat Medic (Female, Lightside (well with a personal moral code), so will argue with higher ranks about some orders)
Republic Alt 2: Jedi Consular (female, lightside, Twilek, AC unknown at ths moment)
Imperial Main: Imperial Sniper (Lightsided, an Agent with a moral code not to kill if it can be avoided, Human)
Imperial Alt 1: Sith Warrior (tank, Darkside, race unknown)
not tried any of the Sith Force Users in Beta, Didn't like the Bounty Hunter for some reason the story didn't catch my attention like the JK/IA/Trooper ones did
I might try a smuggler one day.
oh and the JK/IA/Trooper will share the Legacy Surname, basically descendants of a family that grew apart well along time ago due to Miraluka descenindg from humans (homeplanet sun gives of infra red instead of visible light).
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 18:02
by Amtath
On my eight characters:
Shraun, my Jedi Knight Sentinel: I had a basic idea about the look, didn't go that way when I saw the possibilities. But it worked very well for what I had in mind for him. Only thing, is that he was getting way too much light side points for a character that I see as grey/dark. It was a real match between game content and what I had in mind for Shraun. And I think I'm gonna go the romance road with him, they are a great fit for each other. Definitely, gonna be my main.
Leanne, my Jedi Knight Guardian: Didn't really play her past level 3 and gonna to the cantina to log out. I kinda got what I was thinking for the look, but I'm still reserved if I'm gonna keep it that way. Rank number 6 on my play list.
Braaknatt, my Jedi Consular Sage: Got out most of what I had in my mind as far as looks goes. I had a goatee in my mind, but Mirakula can't get one. For the RP it went really good but it was a bit dull. I need to put a dent somewhere on him. Rank number 3 on my play list.
Eri, my Jedi Consular Shadow: Like Shraun, also a perfect fit. She would rank higher on my play list if he didn't want a DPS, Healer & Tank as my top three and don't want to play the same storyline back to back. She will be a tank (I like that idea of a light armor tank) but she suffers from a lack of decent healer in my roster. And I start to get used to the idea to do the boring side of consular first and do the funnier part after. Rank number 5 on my play list.
Barkoy, my Trooper Vanguard: I didn't have any real look in my mind or any RP for him but it all smashed together while I was playing. It's now one of my favorite character on my list. One of my surprise of beta testing my characters. Rank number 2 on my play list.
Nao'Mrek, my Trooper Commando: Got what I wanted out of her on RP & looks. Will be fun to play. Her only problem is that there are way more interesting DPS I wanna play before her. She could have been a healer but I don't see it for her. Rank number 7 on my play list.
Mursty, my Smuggler Gunslinger: My second most favorite character. He was already well fleshed out before I played the beta. I couldn't go where I wanted for the look. Why only big wooden beard? He was also my possible Cyborg Resident but as everybody else, the cyborgs were a bust for me too. But it turned alright. The mix of his personality with the smuggler storyline. Miam... But I won't play him early on. Because as a gunslinger, too similar with Shraun. I prefer to have a tank & a healer in my rotation first. There is also already way too many sentinel and gunslinger in the guild, that as an alter impose that my first two option to be of the same type. And why not finish my discovery of the republic storylines with a bang. Rank number 4 on my play list.
Cyan, my Smuggler Scoundrel: Well as much, as Mursty was a hit, Cyan was a bust. She's kinda the black sheep of the bunch. Something felt wrong while playing her. But I couldn't point it out. Something has to be changed, too bad as she was supposed to be my second healer. Rank number 8 on my play list.
So overall not a lot changes from what I had in mind before, just a bit of tweaking here and there. I don't know yet how my imperials are gonna fit in the rotation. Probably somewhere around between 4 and 5. Only know that my first empire character will be a Sith Warrior Juggernaut named Shraun and that I'm gonna play as a "What if?".
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 18:13
by JenDoon
I've reworked some of Jen'doon's history, though not because of Beta experiences.
Instead of his parents being dead and him being adopted his father is now missing since he was a young boy. He was raised by his aunt, whom he knows to be his aunt where as previously he thought she was his foster mother.
I felt, giving him an underlying mission of training to be a Jedi so he has the skill with the force to find his father would be a good constant mission and roleplay element to him. As a character he is rather playful and amused most of the time, so something under the surface for which he is deadly serious is a good thing.
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 21:40
by Nekxyu
It only solidified my choice; I loved playing Consular and can't wait to get started again. A few tweaks to my back story turned out to be needed for my peace of mind, but it was only small cosmetic things.
Overall, very happy with how things are going to be
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 01:26
by Slide
Smuggler all the way! Still leaning towards Scoundrel. There's only one class that's tighter and that's the Agent.
I did enjoy the cover mechanic, although I found there to be lack of cover sometimes.
I was thinking how Slide would not have the Tightanic at game start (as it takes some leveling to get a ship), but the Smuggler story is perfect!
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 08:05
by Friesian
Yes I am going to quit. I cannot choose anymore. Its all to much for me. I want to play an elf, can I can I, pretty please?
Re: Character Rethinks?
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 22:32
by Yakusoku
Ive planned for ages to be a smuggler since i roleplay that in second life every so often. But after playing a jedi knight in the beta, and loving my ship and kira. Smugglers been kicked to the dirt for now.
Good thing is, will be a new experence playing a relativly calm, and non violent charachter. Most of the ones ive Roleplayed before have been a bit twisted or down right evil. So be an interesting change.
Now to figure out some sort of back story, hmmm.
Once apon a time.........