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Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 09:57
by Yogash
I put this here to try to help but will not be bound to it once the show is rolling - call this a tentative prediction rather than stated intent.


Ranged dps/occasional off heal

Biotech, biochem, treasure hunter.


p.s. n.b. various companions are at bonus for various craft gather and mission - you may want to consider possible optimization at least in part.

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:51
by Yoonbak Onath
Machior wrote:Alwarin, if you have time to gather the information put it in Excel or something send it to me. I can make a small page on our website displaying it.

Now... back on topic :P
Maybe you could edit the original post to display a resume as well? :mrgreen:

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:53
by Kaetha

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 13:58
by Alwarin
Kaetha wrote::evil:
O oh, we woke up the angry Jawa!

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 17:59
by Slide
Yogash wrote:Duvel.
Belgian classic! I prefer lighter blondes like Jupiler, myself. They did came up with Tauro, which rivals Duvel and is more to my taste as well.

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 18:52
by Kensertim

2)Ranged damage, though may change to healer once gameplay starts

3)Crafting Focus:unsure at present time, but it will be a shady/sneaky oriented

4)I like a nice cup of Jawa

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 19:08
by JenDoon
I think Kaetha should make a Pie Chart...everyone loves a Pie chart.

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:32
by JenDoon
Ok I had some spare time at work so I've gathered up everyone's selections and placed them according to profession into groups. Elisendre wasn't sure exactly which proff she wanted, but I just put her in with the Jedi knights (stabby stabby Jedi).

If officers can add any new people to kaetha's first post as they see them, it'll keep things tidy and make it super easy to turn our roster into a pie chart or..something less cool.


Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:36
by Machior
Alwarin's already working on something and posted it to K and me Doonster ;P So we've already got a nice chart. We just need to setup a few rights and all (it's a Google doc thingy) and then we'll make it more publicly available (within the guild).

Re: Official TKM role census

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 10:39
by JenDoon
Indeed. We'll see how that other version works out. We can leave the updates I've made as they are, just in case.

