Light side vs dark side points

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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by Slide »

pata wrote:I have no problems with any ultimatums, if they are strictly IC. It is part of the role playing.
There shouldn't be a problem with how a character is IC. My point is that sometimes we're trying to get things done, like a flashpoint.
Flashpoints are a gameplay element without any strict relation to RP, except what we impose on ourselves as roleplayers. It's not necessary to run a flashpoint in character, but after I've seen what people post on our forums, it's safe to say that there's a general preference to run flashpoints in character.
If one of us roleplays an ultimatum, as Zenrana puts it, it can hamper the progression of the flashpoint and people can become impatient. I've seen it happen multiple times, and it leads to discussions as to where priorities between RP and game progression lie.

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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by JenDoon »

Just so you know, if we face a decision to save a whole planet of ewok babies by killing a few beautiful female twi'lek dancers. and you all vote against Jen'doon..he'll be taking his uber sage healing ball..AND GOING HOME!

Seriously though, I like what slide said. Flashpoints need to be completed, and whilst I hope we always roleplay them and have short discussions after key cutscenes...any massive dramatic disagreements between characters can be delt with like this.

SLIDE: "Doon, you just cost me my best pants with that decision..we are done...DONE do you hear me..don't ever ask me for footrubs again...I HATE YOU!"
Doon: "what did you say, I was too busy checking out Shandra's hips..huh?"
Kaetha: "Ok you two, you can sort this out when we debrief, once this is finished..we have work to do...lets get moving!"
Doon : *hi5*

: )

So, in other words, we allow epic roleplay disagreements, but nothing that will stop us completing stuff, and we can kick lumps and start blood fueds outside at the end.
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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by Kaetha »

JenDoon wrote:
Kaetha: "Ok you two, you can sort this out when we debrief, once this is finished..we have work to do...lets get moving!"
Yep.. that's me. Although it needs added glaring.

Yes, rp and pve shouldn't come to the point where it affects our relationship as a community either. At the end of the day we can all talk things through, we are all friends, or at least I hope we all will be. :evil: <-- glare.
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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by JenDoon »

Kaetha wrote:
JenDoon wrote:
Kaetha: "Ok you two, you can sort this out when we debrief, once this is finished..we have work to do...lets get moving!"
Yep.. that's me. Although it needs added glaring.

Yes, rp and pve shouldn't come to the point where it affects our relationship as a community either. At the end of the day we can all talk things through, we are all friends, or at least I hope we all will be. :evil: <-- glare.

I actually quite like the idea of Jen'doon disliking a few people in TKM, purely because of missions choices he thought were terrible, but still he works with them like a professional.

Tension creates better roleplay.
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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by Slide »

JenDoon wrote:I actually quite like the idea of Jen'doon disliking a few people in TKM, purely because of missions choices he thought were terrible, but still he works with them like a professional.

Tension creates better roleplay.
I hear ya. So far, Slide doesn't particularly like anyone in TKM, but it's a different thing to refuse to work with certain people.
No-one said every character in TKM has to be friends with everyone. It would, however, be nice if everyone accepted to work with the rest. Very light-sided Jedi could refuse to co-operate with anyone with dark side tendencies, which could eventually hamper the forming of groups for the purposes of playing together. It's this last thing that I would like to avoid.

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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by JenDoon »

Slide wrote:
JenDoon wrote:I actually quite like the idea of Jen'doon disliking a few people in TKM, purely because of missions choices he thought were terrible, but still he works with them like a professional.

Tension creates better roleplay.
I hear ya. So far, Slide doesn't particularly like anyone in TKM, but it's a different thing to refuse to work with certain people.
No-one said every character in TKM has to be friends with everyone. It would, however, be nice if everyone accepted to work with the rest. Very light-sided Jedi could refuse to co-operate with anyone with dark side tendencies, which could eventually hamper the forming of groups for the purposes of playing together. It's this last thing that I would like to avoid.

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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by BadJawa »

Wotcha everyone,

Gamers, being gamers, will most probably start advertising for "Light Side runs" and "Dark Side" runs pretty soon after launch.

And from a gaming perspective, we'll probably find that some choices are more popular due to enhanced chances for gaining xp, trez, or some sort of grindable stat (such as the sociability thingy one) dependent on the Flashpoint in question.

This is because we are all gamers, and some of us (and by that I mean MMO gamers in general, not just our little corner of The Old Republic) will be more focused on the Being Optimal, rather than being willing to punch out and smell the roses every so often. And therefore Being Sub-Optimal.

I'm intending to just play, and have fun. (I've turned Being Sub-Optimal into an art form. I make up for it with my amazing game-play skills.)

I tend to just gravitate towards being a good guy in Bioware games, largely because it makes more sense to me to right wrongs as a good guy than as a bad guy. Making sense as a bad guy would mean having my own plans to take over the world, but most Bioware games only allow me to save the village, rather than take it over and use it as a crime-base.

But then again, if we were to get all film-canon, there is no reference to the Light Side of The Force. There are only references to The Force, and The Dark Side. In the Prequels there are a whole load of references to the concept of bringing "Balance" to The Force, but that's all there is; it's never fully explained as to what that "Balance" actually means.

It's just been assumed that there is a Light Side. Bah to Light Side, says I! (And no, that doesn't imply I shall be playing a mean, nasty Jedi.)

From what I've heard, and of course I could be hideously wrong here, the gear that will be Light Side or Dark Side only is mostly cosmetic. Yes, no gameplay influence other than your fellow players looking at it and being envious, or derisive.

The biggest impact, as I see it, will be between role-players. And this is, again, where we need to look to our old friend, Jimmy Common-Sense. Jimmy Common-Sense might not want us to decide we shall nevah, NEVAH! group up with another guild member due to philosophical differences, because that decision could well be the reason that a group does not get to go on an Operation.

That's not just punishing yourself, that's punishing everyone else.

There might be plenty of differing reasons for joining The Kestrel Minority in character, but I do think that if you role-play your character into a position where it cannot interact with *all* of the members, then I think it's time to consider changing stance, or retiring that character from the guild. Well done, your character's story arc here has ended; time to continue that story elsewhere.

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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by JenDoon »

well spoken Hawley, as usual.

From what I've learned from dem Beta people, without actually asking them for spoilers, the kinds of decisions we'll be faced with, as republic allies will all be, more or less "good" choices to aid the republic.

It will come down to what we are willing to sacrifice and give up for that good outcome. That is where you start to get into what I effectionately call "headfuck territory".

Do you sacrifice the 10 friendly trapped npc's in front of you, begging for help because you know if you spend 5 minutes setting them free 50 npc's in another room may, or may not be blown up by a bomb.
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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by pata »

There are four player in a flash-point. The discussion of the aim is recommended before start (at first there won't be flash-point finder, so it is also necessary). The aim could be finish the flash point or the pure role playing. It depends on the players decision.

Personally I don't mind if somebody leave the party, if he has a good IC cause and we agreed in this style in OOC. I don't, but my character will hate him in most cases, because he thinks it is stupid, foolish and selfish. That is the RP for me.

I think the default style should be the very light RP in flashpoint, but it is only the default. If a flash point were re playable, then everybody could be happy.
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Re: Light side vs dark side points

Post by Friesian »

And then there are these newies to roleplay, or not that heavy into IC.

We all Kestrel at one point.. Flashpoints
We all operate in Kestrel.. Operations
We all are at war as Kestrel .. Warzones

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