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Re: Which one is JJ?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 09:57
by Beckett
Thief archetypes are skinny , warrior archetypes are muscular thats just stereotypes.

Smugglers are all about misderection , what better misderection that to appear as broad fair man , that imposes trust. Its very smuggler like and have personality.

More thin body will look good with another hair i think , with this its a bit unproportional.

Re: Which one is JJ?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:15
by Machior
Right, I went and tipped the scales again a bit. Looking at the pictures I went for the muscular type. Why? It suits the face more really. The skinny one looks off with such a full bearded face for some reason.
But that could be just me.

But I do agree on what most said, that the skinny type is a more typical smuggler look (aka the Han Solo look), but on the other hand a broad and muscular smuggler could just as well exist and be successful.

Re: Which one is JJ?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 18:22
by Jens Jutoon
Thanks for the input Kestrels! I think I'll be going with the Muscular body type for JJ.

Thanks again guys.