Re: the secret world
Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 17:19
Thought I'd post some details from the beta regarding gameplay, world design and so on.
The questing is mostly familiar but with some unique aspects. Quests come in three forms (well four with story I guess) action, gathering and investigation. Action and gathering should be pretty self explanatory, investigation is a bit more unique and requires a bit of thinking, usually they give you a clue or a puzzle to solve and no directions outside of that, sometimes you might have to find a specific location form the clue while another example is to figure out to look up a specific part in the Bible for the next clue. Gathering is the only one you usually have to turn in in a specific place, the rest can just be turned in when done.
All the quests do have a voiced introduction/cutscene to them as well as a text description, there is however no dialogue and your character is very very silent which is a shame, still a lot more interesting that just a bunch of text though.
Character customization was a bit limited in the beta, the launcher even says there is much more options in the full game, they don't lie about being able to look how you want though, clothes and gear are completely different items, clothes however are a bit expensive.
The one hub that was in this weekend had several open buildings like stores, a café shop, a pub, templar HQ as well as a park so there are plenty of viable RP spots. The questing areas are pretty well populated with mobs but are very well done and atmospheric and could probably serve for RP too, I spent the whole weekend, 20 hours, mostly questing in one area and there are still more quests (although locked in beta) and I'm not remotely tired of it.
PVP and Dungeons wasn't really part of this beta weekend but I've still be able to gather that there is a open free for all arena in London (don't know about the other hubs) and three PVP zones, two of these zones seem to be regular queued zones while one is "persistent" not sure how that works though. I also know there will be several dungeons available in at least three difficulty levels (if that means any can be done in any difficulty or there is a number for each difficulty I don't know) but no raids, not at launch anyway.
The interface is beautiful but not very customizable besides all windows being movable. There was a bit of an inconsistency where some windows had a X button to close them while other didn't.
Feel free to ask if you have questions
The questing is mostly familiar but with some unique aspects. Quests come in three forms (well four with story I guess) action, gathering and investigation. Action and gathering should be pretty self explanatory, investigation is a bit more unique and requires a bit of thinking, usually they give you a clue or a puzzle to solve and no directions outside of that, sometimes you might have to find a specific location form the clue while another example is to figure out to look up a specific part in the Bible for the next clue. Gathering is the only one you usually have to turn in in a specific place, the rest can just be turned in when done.
All the quests do have a voiced introduction/cutscene to them as well as a text description, there is however no dialogue and your character is very very silent which is a shame, still a lot more interesting that just a bunch of text though.
Character customization was a bit limited in the beta, the launcher even says there is much more options in the full game, they don't lie about being able to look how you want though, clothes and gear are completely different items, clothes however are a bit expensive.
The one hub that was in this weekend had several open buildings like stores, a café shop, a pub, templar HQ as well as a park so there are plenty of viable RP spots. The questing areas are pretty well populated with mobs but are very well done and atmospheric and could probably serve for RP too, I spent the whole weekend, 20 hours, mostly questing in one area and there are still more quests (although locked in beta) and I'm not remotely tired of it.
PVP and Dungeons wasn't really part of this beta weekend but I've still be able to gather that there is a open free for all arena in London (don't know about the other hubs) and three PVP zones, two of these zones seem to be regular queued zones while one is "persistent" not sure how that works though. I also know there will be several dungeons available in at least three difficulty levels (if that means any can be done in any difficulty or there is a number for each difficulty I don't know) but no raids, not at launch anyway.
The interface is beautiful but not very customizable besides all windows being movable. There was a bit of an inconsistency where some windows had a X button to close them while other didn't.
Feel free to ask if you have questions