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Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 09:15
by Yoonbak Onath
pata wrote:I created Grao's face. I tried imperial agent too.
That's got to be a body type three face in your avatar there. Grao is 2 metres tall and a bull worth of beefy!
Jokes aside, I think we all would want less cartoony bodies but, what's the word...
distinction is one of Bioware's big banners.
BTW he looks damn cool.
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 09:44
by Lisszia
I made Nekni's face, but playing IA male.
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 09:54
by Kensertim
in on Sat, 4pm. Looking forward to meeting you all with this lastest stress test!
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 10:00
by Machior
Cool Kenser, check out the thread in the private forum to find out which server we're on.
Also, just as Lisszia and pata, created Serra (see my avatar)
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 11:19
by Yoonbak Onath
You're all spankin hot
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 14:26
by Jens Jutoon
<-------Check my avatar
The first time anyone has seen the real JJ!
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 14:29
by Kiel Barat
I'll probably give it a shot today at 4pm.
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 18:36
by Friesian
i wont be in anymore.
my folks have nice pc but its minimum specs , well near it lol
its not 4400 but 4300
teh graphic cards also lack some memory
on a full europe server its loads forever textures and such on low settings.. fire a blaster it takes 3-5 secodns to see and walking using mouse and wasd is baaad lol
on usa server LIGHT teh shot takes only 1-2 seconds , hehehe
so i still looking for good pc to buy next 2-3 weeks for max 900-1000 euro
have fun all
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 19:22
by Numero_Uno
Anyone else tried to play the game in windowed mode? I got into the habbit of window moding games about 3 years ago since I like the ability to msn/net/music while i play without having to minimize games. However, I've found if I play full screen i'm getting atleast a 15fps gain as opposed to running in windowed mode. I would have thought the exact opposite would have happened.
Also, I'm missing 1 tiny little pixle near the middle-to-top-left of the game screen. It's like the pixle is broken and constantly orange. My be a gfx but, I don't think it's on my end as I don't have that problem with other games. It's really tiny anyway, but it is bugging me
Re: The beta testing this weekend.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2011 20:52
by Velorius
I have to say I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. I had feared that the game might not live up to expectations, but it's great and everything seems polished and relatively bug free. My only complaint is the lack of variety for the body types, you can choose malnourished, average, heavy weight boxer or chubby; it'd be nice to have sliders for height/body mass. Still overall I was satisfied with the character creator.
So far I've dabbled with the trooper, consular, smuggler, inquisitor and bounty hunter. And I've enjoyed them all, but I've limited myself to lv4/5 so I don't ruin the stories too much before actual launch. Going to give the sith warrior a try tomorrow.