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Star Wars 1313
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 14:18
by Xantos Hawkin
Re: Star Wars 1313
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 14:23
by Raiah
What they have shown sure looks pretty good, I hope they can make a whole game that keep the same visual quality and have good gameplay, what they have shown is basically a tech demo
I have to say though, that must be one of the worst names ever, it might take place on level 1313 of Coruscant (honestly hope there will be more though, the word is variation), still a horrible name.
Re: Star Wars 1313
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 14:33
by pata
Not bad.
Re: Star Wars 1313
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 23:28
by Raiah
So, it's been confirmed that the demos shown at E3 was running on a PC and that the engine used is the Unreal 3 Engine.
Would not have guessed that was the Unreal 3 Engine, it's the best graphics I've seen out of that engine yet, and that says quite a bit.
Also, it's funny how the game that show of amazing graphics at this years E3 seem to be shown of on PCs rather than consoles as has been the trend for a while. (Watch Dogs demos was also on PC)
Re: Star Wars 1313
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 16:38
by Actaeon
I agree, bit of an odd title!
But certainly looks fantastic! Can't wait to get a bit more detail though - certainly keeping it under lock and key!