Shameless plug and plea

Forum for general discussions that aren't relevant to any of our other forums.
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Posts: 184
Joined: Tue Mar 22, 2011 13:36
SWTOR Characters: Thrakos / Taunya / Neutrino
SteamID: Big White Bear
Xbox Live Gamertag: thraiax
Location: mostly Greece, occasional long periods of pillaging abroad..

Shameless plug and plea

Post by Thrakos »

Greetings all!

We're trying to get our little game that we've been developing onto Steam and so I thought I would shamelessly poke around here for help!

If anybody uses Steam and would like to vote for us getting on then feel free to visit this link and vote yes! You're welcome to share the link with any friends too of course.

Thanks very much for your time me lovely kestrelites!

Much luv :D

"Is that a small sewage plant you're carrying in your trousers, or do I detect you're a tad concerned?"
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