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SWtor App: Na'zeshia

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 22:59
by LordQuxe
Main form:
Have you read and understood our rules?
Yes, I'm supposed to harass all religions and 5P34K L1K3 TH15? That was of course sarcasm. Yes I've read and understood 'em.

Are you at least 18 years old?
Yes, I'm exactly 18 years old.

Introduce yourself. Who are you?
Well, I'm a gamer like any of you, although also politically interested most of the time, but let's not go in depth as to who I support. My Name's Jacob so for gods sake, don't try to hook up with my character in-game just because it's a she. ;D Anyways, I'd say you should ask me in game if you want to know more about me, aye?

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?
I bought the game(SW:tor) with the sole purpose to roleplay, so... All my time online (Which is quite a lot).

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?
RP, definately. But I don't mind an occasional gathering for PvP/PvE. And what I can contribute with? Well, 7 years of RP experience, I guess that's something, aye?

What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with)
Na'zeshia Secura

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)
Well, she's a noblewoman and businesswoman. She seems very caring towards those near her, although her schemes and ambitions remain a secret to everyone. (Figure the rest out through RP, mi amigos).

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?
I'm fine with either, to be honest - your call, and I'll be on most of the time after school has ended during the afternoon (GMT+1).

Do you have prior experience with roleplay?
Certainly. 7 years in total, whereas about 4 of them are in MMORPG's, mainly WoW.

Where did you find out about our guild?
Well, I encountered you randomly on Nar Shaddaa and on the who list a few times, but finally got my interest when my friend, Kym (ingame-name), joined.

Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?
Not at all, ask away if there's anything that is lacking... Which I'm sure there is, given it's midnight right now (when I wrote it).

Re: SWtor App: Na'zeshia

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2013 23:09
by Lisszia
Welcome to us, I'll add you as a trialist and you will have forum access. Whisper any officer in game for invite.

Re: SWtor App: Na'zeshia

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 07:31
by SethAltair
There you are. Wecome : ) I hope you'll find TKM to your liking. If I don't catch online, I'll pm you about getting Na'zeshia involved in rp as soon as possible.

Re: SWtor App: Na'zeshia

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:27
by Lisszia
Added you to character sheets, notify me if you want me to add anything else:
TKM character list (private)

Also most of the useful and less active links you can find here
New member/visitor important links and info