SWTOR application: Soraellion

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SWTOR application: Soraellion

Post by Soraellion »

Have you read and understood our rules?
Yes, after I had a chat with one of your members I have checked the website, read the rules and checked the forum to get an idea of the guild as a whole.

Are you at least 18 years old?
I'm 43 so probably yes :)

Introduce yourself. Who are you?
I'm an "older gamer" (since the C64) from Holland who enjoys games as a whole but mostly MMO's as I enjoy the interaction they generally provide. I'm very much a team player, quite active and generally put in effort to getting things done. I don't like drama and I'm not a fan of "l337 sp34k", I like helping others (in MMO's I'm not a newbie myself I help newbies to get to grips with the game, even to the point of making youtube tutorials).

List of MMO's I've played:

Dark age of Camelot: my first MMO, still love it dearly
Ever Quest 2: didn't really stick
City of Heroes: sadly now closed, always fun to come back to for some easy entertainment
WOW: obviously, but never really liked it
EVE Online: my main MMO for years, but a bit on the back burner due to boredom

And tons more not worth mentioning.

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?
Yes but my idea of RP is to act as your character, not so much as walking slowly and spouting "verbal diarrhoea" in Olde English. Being in character pretty much works all the time unless grouped with randoms, actual RP events could be fun if done in moderation and RP grouping is always enjoyable. Do note that as I'm new to the game I still have to get a "feel" for the characters and RP options here.

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?

What I look for in a guild is a group of active, non-drama people to enjoy the game with, in whatever manner. Being a newbie atm I have not much to offer outside being active and trying to contribute to the group. I enjoy helping out others (I generally choose healer/support classes in MMO's for that reason) and building the group as a whole. Not really sure what to do later on in this game as I don't really know how it is at higher levels. I enjoy PVP as long as it's not too "twitchy" (too old for that :P) but generally I just enjoy the interaction, be it pve or pvp.

I'm not really one to chain end game raids for uber lewt, loot as a whole has never been a drive for me in any MMO.

What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with)

Ghaerzon is my main character for now, a low lvl (16 atm) Commando. Note that I'm a terrible altoholic in all MMO's, I just keep making alts to approach the game and other players in different ways depending a bit on the mood I'm in heh. For instance, in WOW I only ever once got one character over 70, I tend to waste my time making and rerolling characters all the time.

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)

Ghaerzon, a no nonsense Commando who likes to get stuff done but doesn't necessarily always believe that his bullets solve all problems. While very much loyal to the Republic he at times questions his orders if he feels they're not beneficial to the citizens he swore to protect. He's not at all a fan of politics or under handed operations and tends to out these to the public if he feels it's needed.

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?

Well, as said earlier I'm not really far enough into the game to make that work (I always need some time to get a feel for a character, create a background and get a general idea of how he acts).

Optional Extras:

I'm not a fan of drama nor do I create it. I have... little patience for "idiots" if you know what I mean. I like being active and I like contributing.

Do you have prior experience with roleplay?
yes, in all MMO's I've played in roleplay to some extend but in my own way.

Where did you find out about our guild?
I asked a few questions in general chat and mostly just got "dick move" answers not explaining anything, till one of your members contacted me in a whisper and took the time to help this clueless newbie, explaining some of the details on specific stuff. We got to chat and here I am.

Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?

Always eat your vegetables.
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Re: SWTOR application: Soraellion

Post by Lisszia »

Welcome to us, and I hope you will find fun with us. I add you as a trialist poke me or any other officer in game later for an invite, you will have full forum rights so you can browse the forum as well.
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
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Re: SWTOR application: Soraellion

Post by SethAltair »

Hello Soraellion and welcome! Mind if I just tag you Sora? I am a fellow altholic, really spend too much time juggling different character concepts in my head and then tryin to play them all at once : p I hope you'll like it here. Get yourself an invite in-game and get to know people. No rush about joining rp. You can tag along for a few rp events even OOC, if you feel Ghaerzon isn't 'complete' enough to join IC :)
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