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Parking Lot for your imp alts? VENDETTA...

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 21:04
by Corvinius
Hello Kestrels!

As I am an old player of the first hour I "inherited" a guild on imp side, Vendetta.

Every other player left and gave me the guild.

So if any other Kestrel wants a parking lot for his imp side whisper me or gardaan.

I do not intend to make it a parallel guild in any way.

No seperate guild only a "social club" or better the Kestrels dark mirror on imp side.

Plus you will get some XP bonus for any alts this way.


I you are interested - see ya on the dark side!


Re: Parking Lot for your imp alts? VENDETTA...

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 23:02
by Lisszia
we also have an impside alt gild with one bank tab called TKMA and any member of it should be able to inv you I think Adal has some there as well, but not sure

Re: Parking Lot for your imp alts? VENDETTA...

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 06:57
by Corvinius
Good to know the Kestrels have some alternatives on imp side.

Though I certainly still want to have my main focus on rep side.

At the moment only producing stuff on imp side, PvP and same daylies from time to time...

Re: Parking Lot for your imp alts? VENDETTA...

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 08:19
by Lisszia
To tell the truth I left the alt guild impside and joined an other guild there, as was lonely to be alone there all the time... even if I also focus mainly on repside

Re: Parking Lot for your imp alts? VENDETTA...

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 14:19
by Slide
My Imps have been added!

You can whisper me on Zyall, Lake or Myar if you want to join your alts.

Do it! Don't think about it. Just do it.

Re: Parking Lot for your imp alts? VENDETTA...

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:04
by Gardaan
Agreed! Juicy juicy XP bonus....