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SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 18:46
by Rantiria
Main form:
Have you read and understood our rules?
Yes, nothing strange there. I agree to them

Are you at least 18 years old?
Yes, with good margin.

Introduce yourself. Who are you?
My name is Johan and I live in Sweden. I work with Customer Support and tourism.

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?
Absolutely, I love RP and hope to spend many hours RPing with you guys. My gaming time is mostly weekday evenings and weekends.

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?
I look for friends, a good community and many good RP stories when I search for a guild and I aim to give that too.

What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with)

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)
Rantiria is a young Cathar that was born on Taris. She showed early signs of force-sensitivity and was soon swept up by the Jedi Order for training. She had some disciplinary problems in the strict training methods of the Order. She managed to at least finish her early training, not without some protests, and started to travel the universe.

She isn't a big fan of the strictness of the Jedi Order, but accepts it. She is still young, curious and loves to explore the expanse of the universe with its different cultures.

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?
I am most likely to be online during weekday evenings and weekends.

Optional Extras:
Do you have prior experience with roleplay?
I have done alot of PnP roleplaying and I always try to RP in the games I play. (More fun that way)

Where did you find out about our guild?
On the forums.

Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?
Not at the moment, but if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.

Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 19:08
by Slide
Hi and welcome!

I think Jedi that aren't too fond of the strictures of the Council usually fit in with the Kestrels.

Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 19:21
by Lisszia
I'll add you as a trialist so you will have full forum access. As Slide said jedi not too high and mighty and less fitting in the order usually fit well with the group. Feel free to poke Adalquin, Gardaan or me about IC joining but as you are our 3. trialist in a day it can depend on how we manage to get free time scheduled. Till that feel free to browse forum and poke nay officer for an in game invite so you can get to know us and we get to know you in guild chat.

Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 19:36
by SethAltair
Hey and welcome!

As Lisszia mentioned, currently having quite lot of trialist but attempting to snatch you into the midst of things as soon as possible :) Meanwhile, take your time to browse the secret of the forums and get to know folks in-game. I'll send you a pm about an IC meeting with your character in near future.

Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 19:57
by Rantiria
Very nice. Looking forward to meeting you ingame.

Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 08:53
by Silgan
and another trialist, nice one :) cya in game


Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:06
by mistaahh
Welcome fellow trialist..

Re: SWTOR Applicarion - Rantiria

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 14:22
by pata