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Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 19:13
by CamzyLamzy77
Main form:
Have you read and understood our rules?
Yes, i have read through the rules and understand them all.

Are you at least 18 years old?
Yes, i turned 19 a few months ago.

Introduce yourself. Who are you?
well, my IRL name i Cameron, i live in Scotland, United Kingdom. I just recently changed my job to Marketing Assistant for the Citizen Advice Bureau. I love playing any massive MMORPG (Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, SWTOR and looking forward The Elder Scrolls Online when it come out) that has a strong RP community in them. I love going on holiday and experiencing their culture and love any kind of music.

Are you interested in roleplaying and if yes, how much time do you like to spend on it?
Yes, i like to spend maybe an hour or two every couple of days as i work part-time my time on my computer can be quite limited, if this is a problem i can fit in more time for the guild if I'm accepted.

What do you think the Kestrel Minority would be able to offer to you and what you, in turn, to the guild? What content are you most interested in (RP, PVP, PVE, endgame and so on... )?
I'm mostly interested RP although i like to PVP and PVE every now and again. I'm looking to broaden my experience and skills in RP from a strong RP guild and I'm a very friendly person to chat to so if anyone in Kestrel Minority wants to chat im here.

What is your primary character's name? (The character you are going to be joining The Kestrel Minority with) My primary character's name is Xi'Lang.

Introduce your primary character. (In-character)
Xi'lang grew up within a very wealthy, high-class family with many connections within the Jedi Order and The Galactic Republic so as soon as his Father found that he was extremely gifted in the arts of the force he was immediately allowed to be trained to be Jedi on Tython.

Xi'Lang progressed through his Jedi training with speed and was constantly praised by his fellow Jedi because his father was very distant and constantly felt disappointing and ashamed with Xi'Lang, he always did his best to please him.

Would you like to RP your way into the guild? If yes, when would you generally be able to meet an officer in-game?im happy to do it if needed, I will usuelly be on any time after 4:00pm(weekdays) and anytime (during the weekend)

Optional Extras:
Do you have prior experience with roleplay?
yes, I'm a active member of Codex of Shadows RP guild on the Sith empire side of SWTOR. We usuelly do couple of RP events a week. I am a relatively new to RP.

Where did you find out about our guild?
I heard about this guild from one of your current members, Lucienn. who highly recommended me to apply since i was looking for an RP guild to join.

Do you have anything else you'd like us to consider when reviewing your application?
i can contribute a lot to the guild, for example i can contribute a couple of million credits to the guild and i have built up quite a lot of lore knowledge.

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 22:01
by Lisszia
Hi and welcome to us, I hope you will find the guild a nice home repsid. I give you forum rights to see all content and the trialist rank on forum, poke any officers on-line for an in game invite.

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 07:07
by Silgan
hey there, welcome in the guild and hope you will have good times!

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 09:18
by SethAltair
Hello and welcome! Get yourself an invite in-game, I myself will be online probably from 5pm BST :) It's nice to have more avid roleplayers amongst us. I'll send you a pm about how we can involve your character in guild rp asap.

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:48
by CamzyLamzy77
Thank you for the quick response. I look forward to getting to know you all and doing some RP'ing aswell

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:02
by mistaahh
Welcome to TKM, looking forward to do some rp with you..

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 07:03
by Lisszia
I saw you are now in guild in game so added you to the character sheets, you can leave a reply here, if I made any typo or, if you want something added:
TKM Characters

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 13:28
by XilerJ'errok
Welcome to the Family

Please click the link you might like it and it ges with my message to you

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 14:14
by CamzyLamzy77
Wow, love avenged sevenfold and very appropriate. thanks :)

Re: Application: Xi'Lang

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 14:32
by mistaahh
XilerJ'errok wrote:Welcome to the Family

Please click the link you might like it and it ges with my message to you
How did I know you where into heavy metal?