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Mist's indefinite abcense

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 23:17
by mistaahh
I wanted to make a seperate thread for this, since this is something very serious.

Putting it bluntly; My schoolyear has started of very shit.
First my grandma dies, cancer got to her, we knew it was coming.
Second, I changed schools, due to that, I lost most contact with my friendswho would, without a doubt, be a very big consolation considering my late grandmother. This happened the first trimester when my school was a week or so ongoing.

Due to the above, my grades suffer.

However, my nephew has been dumped by his girlfriend, and I just heard he walks around with suicidal thoughts.
This will also impact badly on my grades.

I don't know when I get back, life's been a real jerk to me, lately.
Hence indefinite, since this situation I am in can be resolved tomorrow.
Or never. Turning out very bad or very good.

With the above said, I hope I have saddened no one else, but let's not call the creature what it isn't, and say, life's a bitch to me, currently.
I had and hope on having more great great times with all of you,
Love you all.

Re: Mist's indefinite abcense

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 23:32
by Lisszia
Rl is what we all live, so take care of that first. I hope all settles. Yep life can be a bitch sometimes :(.
I hope you will get though this period with no more to come, and what still can, gets better soon.

Re: Mist's indefinite abcense

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:33
by SethAltair
Hang in there, Mist. Bad times come and bad times go. I wish you strength and all the best. The guild will trudge on here, and you come back when you feel like it.

Re: Mist's indefinite abcense

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 12:00
by mistaahh
Thanks for the support, I'll be on the forums though, less active. Probably just to proceed Stej's story.

And losing my nephew. I can simply not imagine how I would change or react..
He's like a good bigger brother.

Re: Mist's indefinite abcense

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 17:45
by Corvinius
Hey Mist,

wish you all the best and hope you can catch some breath - focus, getting heart and mind in order.

Every word we write here might sound hollow but still:

Hope life get's better.

Take care of your family and yourself.

Focus and refocus on school - getting a grip

Find new people who see a person who is WORTH being friend of - YOU!

How long it may take:

You are welcome - and in case we can provide some relief in game we will be happy to oblige.

All the best to you...
