TKM roll system for RP events

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TKM roll system for RP events

Post by Lisszia »

TKM roll system for RP events

The system is up for discussion, please leave us comments and suggestions here:
TKM Roll System discussion thread

We tried to make an easy but better working system for rolls in fights and in investigation, bomb disarming during the events than the simple random /roll command which has too much variety.

Non-combat skills:

In each non-combat skill you can decide if your character is very bad(1), bad(2) , average(3) , good(4), or very good(5) in it.
Very bad gets -40 on its roll, bad can add -20, average gets no bonus on his or her roll, good + 20, and very good + 40. The aim is that characters who are supposed to be adept in something, won't fail utterly with no apparent reason.

Example: Nekni wants to disarm a trap made by Ohmarke. She is average in disarming (+0), Ohmarke is very good in setting traps(+40).
So they both roll (Type /roll, what generates a random number between 1-100) 1 is critical failure 100 is critical success, other wise they add they bonuses and the trap is disarmed if Nekni has higher, and not if Ohmarke has higher. If one is more then 50 point higher then that is also critical failure or sucsess.

Ohmarke: roll:67
Nekni has: 34+0=34
Ohmarke has: 67+40=107
The difference is bigger then fifty: critical failure for Nekni she has serious affects from the trap…

Nekni: Roll: 78
Ohmarke: Roll: 36
Nekni: 78+0=78
Ohmarke: 36+40=76

Nekni is higher she disarmed the trap.

If there is no character setting up a trap or coding some information, hiding the traces of an investigation etc. then the DM can decide on the difficulty and instead of rolling each case add an average 60 to all difficulty.

For example a lock can be very easy(1), easy(2), average(3), hard(4) very hard(5) to slice.

Rhoo wants to slice an easy lock:
The lock is -20(easy)+60(instead of roll)=40
Rhoo’s opening locks is good(4), so she can add 20 to her roll.
If the roll is 1 critical failure otherwise the sum has to be higher then 40 for success.
Rhoo rolls: 41
Rhoo’s disarm 41+20=61 so she disarmed the lock.

For non combat skills it is up to everyone to decide it how good in the skill the character is. If you want to think on it before the stories we gathered some here, where you can also add your char but it is not mandatory. Here is no restriction on how many points you spend on them.
Non combat skills

Combat skills

For combat skills we did not want to have too big difference between characters so we set a maximum points you can spend on them.

We ended up settling on 10 combat skills:
Ranged attack, Close attack, Force attack, Range/meele Defense, Force/explosive defense, Endurance/Armor, Combat Heal, Explosives, Stealth, Listen /Spot.

You can make your own skill set from 32 points spent on them maximum. We also made a sample set for each class and profession, like Healing Sage, DPS Sage, Tank Guardian, DPS Guardian, and so on, so if you don’t want to spend time making your own, you can just choose to use that.

Same as with combat skills 1=very bad(-40), 2=bad(-20), 3=average(+0), 4=good(+20), 5=very good(+40),

Critical success is with roll:100 or bigger difference then 50. Critical failure is with roll:1 or bigger difference then 50.

Critical heal means healing to full health. Critical hit is incapacitating or killing (Players can’t be killed without their consent).
Critical failure means no heals or damage and some minor misfortune: loosing balance, minuses for next roll or some other negative effect up to DM.

You can find the skill sets for some players and some average for each class and make your own if you want here:

Combat skills

Example fight:

For example Nekni (N), Adal (A), and Kinsaris (K) are sparing:

Their skills:

Ranged attack N=3 A=1 K=3
Close attack N=5 A=3 K=5
Force attack N=1 A=5 K=4
Range/meele defense N=3 A=3 K=5
Force/explosive defense N=3 A=5 K=4
Endurance/Armor N=3 A=3 K=4
Combat Heal N=1 A=5 K=1
Explosives N=3 A=1 K=2
Stealth N=5 A=1 K=1
Listen /Spot. N=5 A=5 K=3

They roll once at the beginning of the sparing to decide what order they will act from now on:
Adal rolls:61, Kisaris rolls:72 Neni rolls:24

So the order will be:
Kinsaris, Adal, Nekni

Kin: Tries to bring Nekni to the ground with a leg sweep. Rolls: 56 (+40 close ranged attack)=96
Nekni rolls: 89 (+0 meele defence) =89
Nekni gets brought down by Kinsaris but does not have critical failure the difference is not more then 50 so she has a chance to break out

Adal: Steps back watching Nekni and Kin ready to shield the one who would get hurt.

Nekni tries to unbalance Knsaris and get him on the ground as well
Nekni rolls:98 (+40)= 138
Kinsaris rolls: 12 (+40)= 58
Difference is bigger then 50 Nekni has a critical success she rules the situation can break free and bring Kin down.

Some additions what we found as probably nice to add during using the system:

Health points:
Your health points also can be determined through your Endurance ability. So Nekni with 3 endurance would have 3 max, Rhoo with 5 would have 5...

Guards in game:
If a jedi guards someone like guarding in game would mean the guarded has +20 for defence, but as the one guarding has to keep concentrating on it would loose 20 defence. For troopers it would mean they send some droid to shield the other taking the energy and that shield away from their own defence so again +20 defence to the one guarded and -20 to the one guarding.
This kind of guard/shield would not give plus to the party but can be sustained and does not take your action away in any round.

Like sage: it takes one attack/heal action away to place on one, and absorbs one hit when it is not dogged/parried later.

Situational bonuses:
Situational bonuses like surprise or attacking form better position can stil be added to rolls by the DM, and usually best to keep them around 10-20 it seems.

SethAltair wrote:In hopes of making the roll system yet better, some more thoughts. Currently it works with non-combat skills and small groups but not in combat with a large group. To tackle this problem, I thought some guidelines also participants can look up.
  • TKM roll system doesn't show the final roll result right away because of the bonuses, so it'd be good for the participants to keep their sheet close-by, so after their roll, they can post the final result in ops chat. It takes less time for everyone to check their own bonuses rather than GM do it one by one for everyone, and also narrows down the possibility of incorrect bonus.
  • Keep track of your turn. In the future, I will attempt to also arrange the ops frame to the order of our initiative rolls. This is also tied to the next point so you won't be taken by surprise when you should suddenly attack someone.
  • In a group of 8, where one round of combat has every participant emote and roll, and describe/have the result described, waiting time can become long. To tackle this, every participant can start to prepare his/her emote in advance and tweak it while we go, if the situation changes. In roll fights with npcs, they are going to have a fixed hit and evasion rate. Because of this, it'd also be possible for participants to emote their own result.

    Say, for example:
    *Adalquinn aims a Force push at one of the guards*
    - Guard has rate 70 to hit and I roll 50 and add the bonus of 40, so I know I hit. Then I can proceed to emote.
    *Adalquinn manages to send him flying against the wall*

    This would leave the GM free to keep count of NPC and character health, as well as emote the NPC's attacks when their turn is. This requires certain moderation of participants of course. Don't steal the show. Unles your hit is a critical hit, you won't be slicing anyone in half.
  • Emote and roll
    It can be tempting just to roll and be satisfied that you hit, but it's important that you emote what you are doing. Otherwise it's it's not RP :p and people can't keep track of the situation. Especially for attacks, it's important to describe. It doesn't have to be lengthy, but it needs to convey clearly your action.
One addition, for optional use: a template for place of injury with a random 0-100 roll.
It can be practical in case DM does not decide on the place of an injury, or somone want to do it randomly for other reason.
I have been using the following template in tabletop for years. The body column have from back and from front versions in them.

Strictly for ones like me who either to lazy to decide or do not want to decide when it is about their char, still if you want to say an injury is on the chest or stomach you just say it, also not needed for aimed attack so if Sharal aims for my leg then it is already there.. but there were some cases especially on big plots where I used this to make my life easier either as a player who got simply hit somewhere or a DM when my NPC hit someone. So it is just an optional extra if someone wants to use it he or she can.

How you can play out combos made by two character playing and training together?

We tired to keep the system simple with some less randomity then simple rolls. But there are ways in the system how you can play it out:

With critical hit:
If someone has a critical success, rules the situation. In that case, as he/she rules the situation, can kill, incapacitate do the combo and so on. as it is hard to do... Other than that if two characters are trained together they can whisper each other fast and use it together without the second loosing his turn. It is not giving ooc fighting advantage, as crit already meant to incapacitate or kill, but gives Rp wise an opportunity to play combo, or together trained moves.

Combo used in normal attack for giving advantage to the other:
If you want to use some other together trained moves with keeping the balance. It can work like the part I wrote for the shielding. With giving up one attack you can give 20 bonus to one of the rolls of the other.

Like: Emote: Rhoo moves so to distract the man form Sharal moves so he can attack more easily((no damage from her +20 Attack for Sharal next time)), then if they rained together she can do it giving Sharal +20 for his next attack loosing hers.

Or if they trained together they can also discuss tactics giving one of the disadvantage and advantage to the other like the shielding one gets a constant minus the on the a constant plus same amount. It is up to the pairs, but we should still try to keep the balance, as to easy to go in the way who can invent more deadly combos and say bigger. The roll system partly was made to avoid that, make game enjoyable to all, even those who are less creative in ways to kill others.

The system is up for discussion still, please leave us comments and suggestions here:
TKM Roll System discussion thread
Neknivar Devsta Endris (Nekni) female zabrak, tiny
Other chars: Rhoo, Lisszia, Tríz, Lorna(imp), Loran, Cicc, Lette, Sla'laktu, Deesha, Siar, Old-triz, Lenaa (Nekni(imp), Nekní)