Emotes wishlist

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Emotes wishlist

Post by SethAltair »


I've always been a bit envious of the various NPCs across the swtor for all those nice poses and that they aren't available for player character emotes. To remedy this situation, I set out to search for a thread in swtor.com forums where devs might have a grand wishlist or something alike, and actually found it. I've composed my own post with screenshots of my suggestions to add into the cartel market.

http://www.swtor.com/community/showthre ... ost7549352

Roleplayers are not Bioware's top concern, that much is known, but if you find an emote in my post that you'd definitely want in-game, please make a reply in the thread to reinforce the point. Let's make the devs see that we don't need that 20th dance emote but would like a proper /meditate instead!
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