I want to thank everyone. I've had a pretty rough year but you guys were always there. I shared things, both happy, funny aswell as sad things. You guys know about me, my laid-back yet confused and jumpy attitude. I left some things out I'd rather not share, also both happy and sad.
You've always been there, I'm glad I tried my best to show that I'm, even though a nestling, a proper kestrel.
So thank you.
Thanks Lissz, for allowing me in and acknowledging me, also thanks for the free stuff
Thanks Corv, for the free stuff and teaching me how the economy works, aswell as your warm attitude towards me.
Thanks Kindar, we don't really talk much, but that doesn't mean I don't like you. Always had my drunken back in the HM fps

Thanks Max. For being a supportive Pve'er and not minding my noobish screw ups.
Thanks Leibe, you're artistic soul has inspired me to make deviantart account, even though I don't get much followers or views, it is nice to post ad present my stories to a wider array of people.
Thank you Seth, for the roleplay, the feedback you give me so I can become a proper DM one day.
Thank you Gardaan, for being the place where I can vent my puberal desires, thanks for the nicknames.
Thanks Vaec, for being there for me, making me laugh with numerous things like Hannah the rancor.
Thank you Raiah. For creating this guild in the first place. Did you expect to create something of a big family instead of a guild?
And finally. Thank you everyone. Thank you for being part and contributing to this story of birds. If we haven't met before, I hope we do in the near future.
Thank you. Everyone. For pulling me through.