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The Kestrel Minority in Star Citizen

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 00:08
by Xenn
Hello my old friends!

I just saw a post on the Star Citizen Reddit by someone named Kestrel-One and it got me thinking about you, my old MMO family and the good times we used to have. Excited to see our internet outpost is still here. I've applied to your Star Citizen org as I am quite fond of that game and play often. It would be great to reconnect. Hope you are all well!

Xenn - Okori - IceniMagni (in SC)

Re: The Kestrel Minority in Star Citizen

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 00:11
by Xenn
Just in case, here's the org I applied to...

Re: The Kestrel Minority in Star Citizen

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 09:32
by Raiah
Hey Xenn,
I don't think there really are any Kestrels over in Star Citizen mostly just a dedicated bunch in SWTOR.
Zenosis created that org mostly to claim the name I guess, but I'll ask him to go accept you, since as I recall you can be in multipole SC orgs.

Re: The Kestrel Minority in Star Citizen

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:44
by Xenn
Hi Raiah,

Yea it requires obscene levels of patients to play SC actively. Cool to hear you all are still playing SWTOR, I'll have to log in again sometime to say hi! Hope you all are well!