What is your zombie plan?

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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by Yakusoku »

How many zomibes you seen swimming. Grab a couple of fishing rods, some big barrels to catch rain for drinking water. Sit on boat and watch the carnagie
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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by Exerxes »

Zombies cannot swim, because we do not need to breathe!

We Zombies will walk towards your boat, use our own bodies as a climbing frame and clamber in to eat your face.

But what about extreme cold? What can a Zombie do when it's frozen solid?

Or what about immensely hot? Can a Zombie still move when all its flesh has been burned away?

Personally I will slice and dice and probably die in some heroic way trying to save my family... Probably heroic anyways...

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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by Friesian »


I live in northern part of the Netherlands, Friesland. We friesians (or frisians?) are zombies... we get killed by these idiot cheeseheads......

Look at this new movie (the second of these nutty bunch , lol) clip


(yes, dutch movies sometimes are fun!)
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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by Silgan »

supermarket-pharmacist-buying a chainsaw and jerrycans to fill up.. would be done in three to four hours.. (meanwhile swearing i have three kids to save as well).
Think i would drive to Switzerland.. as high as possible..and hope to find a vacant house :p.. fresh water for eternity ) Some valleys would be well defendable...
Hope the zombie apocalyps starts on low season otherwise all houses are allready taken.

if you react very fast it would be doable i think.. Most people would be very suspicious when hearing the news at first.. NOT ME.. i hope
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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by Cheesey »

"Nuke em from Orbit..only way to be sure!"
Left guild because I joined light Rp guild and not what I class as as heavy RP guild . Cant be doing with OP and flashpoints IC sorry.
Plus I was sure it was called The Kestrel Minority and not JenDoons Ego.
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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by JenDoon »

Cheesey wrote:"Nuke em from Orbit..only way to be sure!"
Winning quote.
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Re: What is your zombie plan?

Post by Rhanite »

First order of business?

Find three people with which I have nothing in common save for still being alive.

Then: Find me a solid baseball bat, some duct tape, a couple cans of food and some water. Medical supplies as well. Make my way north from Copenhagen up the coast Rungsted harbour and salvage me a boat - and all the supplies I can from the surrounding mansions and high-end markets up there. Load it up and set sail with my allies - now the staunchest of friends by our ordeal - and lay low on the island of Veen between Denmark and Sweden until we can find a way to reconnect with other survivors.

Saving that, I'm a member of the Copenhagen Zombie Apocolypse Preperation Group - so we have a few contingencies and safe-houses planned around the city incase it happens quickly.
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