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Off on a trip

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:19
by Cheesey
Just in case anyone things "thank god , he's shut up " or even " he's missing" for the next two weeks I will be afloat on the Med touring various bankrupt,earthquake shaken and rioting striking countries.

I will be back on 28th ish but might check in onboard while sipping my Jack Daniels and bossing underpaid hirelings to do my bidding.

So no, I haven't run away (YET!) but it is a nice distraction for me while I wait for SWTOR release :D will be around a fortnight till early entry when I return! Cant wait.

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 15:38
by Terrog
Which countries are you going to visit?

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 17:12
by Cheesey
Italy, Malta, Greece and Turkey.

Visiting places like Crete, Rhodes and Pompeii etc ..just to take my mind of the retail launch of SWTOR though that's all :D

Last year we did Norway,Sweden,Finland, Germany,Belgium, Estonia and Russia. Was really cool, so we thought we would try the med this time. has to be in the *off* season since we make our main income from tourists here in summer.

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 18:30
by Terrog
Hey great!

But.. what's med touring?

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 18:39
by Cheesey
Terrog wrote:Hey great!

But.. what's med touring?
I will be afloat on the Med touring
I meant I will be afloat on board a 5 star cruise ship touring the Mediterranean . :lol:

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 18:48
by Jens Jutoon
Have a nice time Cheesey. I have spent a lot of time over the years in Malta. My mum and dad used to have a house and boat there. Haven't been back for a few years now.

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:33
by Friesian
rock the boat

don't get seasick

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 17:24
by Cheesey
Back on dry land now! Weather was great and a bit weird for this scot...sun and heat in november lol

Now to get back up to date with everything and swtor (been reading some Han Solo novels while on hols and getting into the smuggler feel :D )

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 18:42
by Slide
Welcome back!
Hope you had a good leave.

Not to make you jealous, but we just had an awesome beta weekend! TKM and SWTOR are going to be tight!

Re: Off on a trip

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 20:38
by Tym
Slide wrote:Welcome back!
Hope you had a good leave.

Not to make you jealous, but we just had an awesome beta weekend! TKM and SWTOR are going to be tight!
Tight almost doesnt cut it anymore (o: tighter almost tightest seems to be more appropriate now.

Welcome on dry land (o: