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Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 18:01
by JenDoon
Do any of you recall the shock and surprise on the faces of the jedi council when Qui Gon told them he believed he'd encountered a "virgince" in the force (that is where a person is born without a father through the force, a bit like Jesus).

I was often puzzled by their expressions, particularly Mace Windu. I got to thinking, had this happened before? Mace responded by saying;

"Are you referring the the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force? You believe it's this boy?"

The way they reacted to Qui Gon's words seemed too raw and fresh, almost as if they'd had some other experience, recently with the same idea.

In other words, were there other Jedi or people who'd been found with no father and a very high midichlorian count?


Re: Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 18:18
by Kaetha
Its an interesting thought, it could however just be scepticism on the part of the council. I mean if someone came round your house and over a cuppa told you that they'd discovered Jesus in Castle Douglas what would you think?

Re: Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 18:59
by Slide
The story lost me completely when they started with the force-born business. The prophecy they refer to is hardly talked about at any later stage, so it has hardly any dramatic impact. I was just waiting for the Darth Maul fight to start.
I think I listened through all the timeline story videos on the SW:TOR site, and I don't recall any mention of another one like Anakin.

Re: Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 19:26
by Terrog
Something that did not belong to that universe was shoved in it anyway.

Same with Midichlorians.

Re: Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 19:29
by Jens Jutoon
There can be only one!

Oh sorry, wrong film.
Runs off back to the Scottish Highlands......

Re: Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 02:19
by Krytar
I recal reading something, that it was Palpatine that artificialy inseminated his mother?It's an interesting theory.
After a short search:
Midi-chlorian manipulation was a form of Sith alchemy allegedly mastered by Darth Plagueis. Requiring immense knowledge of the dark side of the Force, it was the ability to create, maintain, or save life through the influencing of midi-chlorians to a certain degree. Palpatine told Anakin Skywalker that Plagueis used this power to save the ones he loved from dying.

Darth Plagueis stated that a child born of this power would be the embodiment of the Force. Later, Palpatine used the promise of this power's effects to entice Anakin Skywalker further to the dark side.[1] He had also made the same proposition to Ferus Olin.
There is talk of this here: ... 9820508/p2

Re: Was Anakin the first?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 02:33
by Exerxes
As far as I recall from what little knowledge I picked up, Darth Plagueis had created this life force but could not predict where it would go, i.e. Anakin.

If either knew where this life force was, Plagueis or Palpatine, Anakin certainly wouldn't have been a slave on Tatooine. Palpatine certainly did not stick his finger up... nevermind...

I think the above is hearsay however. Most of the comments that have been made so far are also conjecture because frankly the only truth is in Lucas' head, if the truth exists at all. Sometimes even the creators just haven't thought that far back.

The surprise would be due to the fact that they were told to 'act surprised' ;)

But if I were to put it into conjecture then I would say that they were surprised because none of them really considered that the prophecy could actually come true.
