It's almost Chr-...SwTor Time! Kaetha's pre launch rundown.
Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 21:15
Hey troops,
It's that time again.
With only one week till the beginning of the staggered early access I want to make sure we're all on the same page and that we're doing what's needed for you and to make the guild a success. We'll set up another thread shortly for us all to sign in and let each other know when we'll be getting access.
So this is an open post for you to address specific needs, you can also if needed PM an officer or myself if you don't want to voice concerns publically.
I'm going to run through a few things and feel free to chip in.
The decision was made that when the game goes live we will be giving the guild some breathing space by throttling back on recruitment. We will not be actively seeking to recruit new members but if approached we will go through the standard procedure. We will always keep eyes an ears open.
If you are approached by a prospective recruit who has shown interest in the guild. Get a feel for them, roleplay with them a little and point them in the direction of an officer, ideally Nekxyu.
2.Post Launch Events
It goes without saying that we will be organising and making the most of flashpoints, in addition we will throw in a few rp and guild meet events and we will notify you well in advance of the time and location.
3.Class leads and Information gathering
Some folks have already begun to compile class info and write ups. We are very much appreciative of this it shows a definite level of commitment to the guild.
As I've mentioned in a previous post we will be looking eventually for someone to take on a role of class lead for the gathering of information and organising of class forums to help out with tactics and "how to's". IF you think you may be this person then keep this in mind.
This is something we are very much interested in, in a few weeks time we will be nearing the stage where we'll have the opportunity to field teams to run the "ops". We'll be looking to see when the best time and days for such will be to run these events. To start with we'll most likely run one on a weekday and one on a weekend day to start with, with the possibility of adding extra days in once we find our feet.
Op Guidlines are currently being worked on but we would very much liek to hear your points of view on this.
5.Guild Crafting
We have a few budding crafters already, those who have a vested interest in making things. It's something I am personally really excited about, finding that rare schem and crafting something that guildies will use makes me very happy.
It's a distinct possibility that we will be looking for designated guild crafters. This will tie in a little with rare schems and materials found on ops and guild run events and we will elabourate on this more in time.
This is not my forte. We're currently considering someone to work with our events officer to set up a Pvp team and manage regular events.
In closing
So in closing I want to open the floor so to speak and let everyone have a chance to mention anything they want, things they think the guild is lacking, what you'd like to see implemented and thoughts on how you'd like to see your guild run and managed.
It's that time again.
With only one week till the beginning of the staggered early access I want to make sure we're all on the same page and that we're doing what's needed for you and to make the guild a success. We'll set up another thread shortly for us all to sign in and let each other know when we'll be getting access.
So this is an open post for you to address specific needs, you can also if needed PM an officer or myself if you don't want to voice concerns publically.
I'm going to run through a few things and feel free to chip in.
The decision was made that when the game goes live we will be giving the guild some breathing space by throttling back on recruitment. We will not be actively seeking to recruit new members but if approached we will go through the standard procedure. We will always keep eyes an ears open.
If you are approached by a prospective recruit who has shown interest in the guild. Get a feel for them, roleplay with them a little and point them in the direction of an officer, ideally Nekxyu.
2.Post Launch Events
It goes without saying that we will be organising and making the most of flashpoints, in addition we will throw in a few rp and guild meet events and we will notify you well in advance of the time and location.
3.Class leads and Information gathering
Some folks have already begun to compile class info and write ups. We are very much appreciative of this it shows a definite level of commitment to the guild.
As I've mentioned in a previous post we will be looking eventually for someone to take on a role of class lead for the gathering of information and organising of class forums to help out with tactics and "how to's". IF you think you may be this person then keep this in mind.
This is something we are very much interested in, in a few weeks time we will be nearing the stage where we'll have the opportunity to field teams to run the "ops". We'll be looking to see when the best time and days for such will be to run these events. To start with we'll most likely run one on a weekday and one on a weekend day to start with, with the possibility of adding extra days in once we find our feet.
Op Guidlines are currently being worked on but we would very much liek to hear your points of view on this.
5.Guild Crafting
We have a few budding crafters already, those who have a vested interest in making things. It's something I am personally really excited about, finding that rare schem and crafting something that guildies will use makes me very happy.
It's a distinct possibility that we will be looking for designated guild crafters. This will tie in a little with rare schems and materials found on ops and guild run events and we will elabourate on this more in time.
This is not my forte. We're currently considering someone to work with our events officer to set up a Pvp team and manage regular events.
In closing
So in closing I want to open the floor so to speak and let everyone have a chance to mention anything they want, things they think the guild is lacking, what you'd like to see implemented and thoughts on how you'd like to see your guild run and managed.