First Contact Policy

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First Contact Policy

Post by Nekxyu »

Edited: by Lissza to update to currently used procedure
Lisszia wrote:Well as for a long time I'm the one you should speak to about recruits... would add some stuff. Somehow this post managed to escape my sight till now...

First contact policy:

If you happen to run into someone searching for an RP/social guild you can whisper them the home page, and can direct them with questions to any of our officers. Make sure to mention we are a small RP/social guild not HC RP guild.

They can contact me on if needed

In most of the cases being IC-ly Kestrel needs to be part of the guild, so to get to that he/or she needs to fill an application.

Not all in guild are IC kestrels.

So one should send us an application, and if they want they can speak with us before it, or RP with us, but that is not obligatory.

You can help us with Rp-ing someone in:
  • You can also play RP with them get them know if you want, but make sure they read the guild rules and description before, and that they are not under-age, so they will not feel like they wasted time with us.
  • After they applied on homepage and got accepted they can be introduced by anyone to Adalquinn, Rhoo, Nekni or Revendus, they are the ones taking care of getting new ones accepted mostly. But all can suggest IC-ly new members to the minority who are in it. Adalquinn, Nekni, Revendus, Rhoo and some others can give the candidate access to the database and the comm system tho.

How you can help RP-ing one in to the guild:

You should preferably then start roleplaying with them as if you yourself aren't actually a member of our guild, but... you might know someone who can tell them more, as that's the general IC guild policy. How exactly you play this is entirely up to you, the important thing is that you shouldn't openly admit your character is part of the guild without some fairly convincing IC justification.

This instantly pulls them into our guild story and roleplay and makes us mysterious, plus if they are really interested in RP they'll love it. If they play along and seem keen, you can then ask in guildchat (which is OOC) if an officer (ideally Lisszia or SethAltair but any of us will do) can come meet a new applicant.

Ideally the applicant would have to travel to another planet to find the officer at a set meeting place and then proceed from there.

Now if the applicant is new to roleplay or doesn't feel comfortable with it, explain to them OOC using whispers that it's perfectly OK and just direct them to the website; we'll help them learn about roleplay first, then do their interview in-game at a later date.

We hope you enjoy being a part of our recruitment process this way. Keep in mind, you will be their first point of contact with TKM, and also their first impression of our guild, so try to make it a fun and positive one.

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Re: First Contact Policy

Post by Cheesey »

Sounds like I have to ask for cyber if they are serious :/

Me thinks I will just be directing folk to the website unless approached IC and even then I will not be spending a lot of time recruiting them.

Sorry but spent too long in past games only to have it backfire on me since I was the one who said "yeah he seems nice" etc only for the guy to raid the guild bank :( .

And isnt this forum section open to public? shouldnt it be in guild business? :)
Left guild because I joined light Rp guild and not what I class as as heavy RP guild . Cant be doing with OP and flashpoints IC sorry.
Plus I was sure it was called The Kestrel Minority and not JenDoons Ego.
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Re: First Contact Policy

Post by Lisszia »

Well as for a long time I'm the one you should speak to about recruits... would add some stuff. Somehow this post managed to escape my sight till now...

First contact policy:

If you happen to run into someone searching for an RP/social guild you can whisper them the home page, and can direct them with questions to any of our officers. Make sure to mention we are a small RP/social guild not HC RP guild.

They can contact me on if needed

In most of the cases being IC-ly Kestrel needs to be part of the guild, so to get to that he/or she needs to fill an application.

Not all in guild are IC kestrels.

So one should send us an application, and if they want they can speak with us before it, or RP with us, but that is not obligatory.

You can help us with Rp-ing someone in:
  • You can also play RP with them get them know if you want, but make sure they read the guild rules and description before, and that they are not under-age, so they will not feel like they wasted time with us.
  • After they applied on homepage and got accepted they can be introduced by anyone to Adalquinn, Rhoo, Nekni or Revendus, they are the ones taking care of getting new ones accepted mostly. But all can suggest IC-ly new members to the minority who are in it. Adalquinn, Nekni, Revendus, Rhoo and some others can give the candidate access to the database and the comm system tho.
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