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Stop ACTA!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 18:18
by Nekxyu
I believe we can all agree that ACTA is a bad thing. I'll leave the arguments for another place, but if you agree with me, you can go here and do something about it.

The link is a website that me and some associates put together to enable people to directly contact their representatives in the EU Parliament. Response has been positive so far, with several politicians against ACTA writing us and telling us the amount of attention it has brought to the issue, now that they are suddenly receiving hundreds or thousands of mails about the subject from concerned people.

Just thought I'd leave it here; if you like it, please spread it around as much as you can. It's important.

Liek, fo sho.

Cheers guys,


Re: Stop ACTA!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 00:44
by Cheesey
As an artist who uses the digital form a lot I cannot whole heartedly disagree with the reasoning and aim of the act. I find more and more in this age that people believe just because it is on the internet it is free .

Intellectual property and Copyright are still legal and binding but so many disregard this totally. I advertise or put an image up for sale on the web and suddenly some people think its free. If I can see it and take it , its mine, seems the rule here :(

In what way do you think that protecting copyright holders rights is wrong? Perhaps I have missed something :)

Re: Stop ACTA!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 03:18
by Yogash
While that is the aim of the act it is the baggage it comes with, the method of it's introduction and the other uses it will be put to that is cause for concern.

Re: Stop ACTA!

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 09:03
by Dabrin
Cheesey wrote:
In what way do you think that protecting copyright holders rights is wrong? Perhaps I have missed something :)
I'm fully with you here. Artists should keep the right to the material they work to put together.

However - i would like the internet to still "stay free".

Personally, my problem stems from this part, which i copy/pasted from a site that would for sure be gone in the future, if ACTA comes into force.
Supporters of ACTA are saying that each country, which ratifies ACTA, will choose their own interpretation. This is the biggest lie ever told.

Just like any other international agreement ACTA must be interpreted according to the Vienna Convention of 1969.

Article 32 of the Vienna Convention says that if any part of a treaty is ambiguous it must be interpreted based on documents produced during the drafting and negotiations phase of the agreement. For Acta these documents are classified and have never been made available to the public through official sources. Such secrecy has never surrounded any other global treaty in modern times.

In essence the true meaning of ACTA is being kept secret even from the governments who sign it.