The Sith invade Scotland!

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The Sith invade Scotland!

Post by Cheesey »


Hope to be more active now that my 3 week(ended up being 6 week ) refurbishment of the Exhibition is over. Still got some stuff to do but no more 70 hour weeks. Still meant I was able to upgrade to a gtx56ti and get a new camera for the gallery etc :)

Might need/want my Shadow inviting though because im finding gunslinger ten a penny and a bit weak for my style of play (kamakazi?)
Now just need to work out how I know you lot for next RP cantina meet...maybe Slides gay lover ... >,< no i think not!
Left guild because I joined light Rp guild and not what I class as as heavy RP guild . Cant be doing with OP and flashpoints IC sorry.
Plus I was sure it was called The Kestrel Minority and not JenDoons Ego.
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