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Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 10:54
by JenDoon
I vill be vatching zis comrades.

The holy fire of the seven seals will rain down upon the sinners if I do get in game...or something.

If "everything is true" I expect some epic battles with the Tooth fairy and Father Christmas to be an epic level world boss who spawns once a year and has...amazing loots! :lol:

Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 14:11
by Zenosis
Downloaded and installled, being the optomist I am I will try logging in everyday :D

Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 15:28
by Dabrin

i have pre-ordered and paid and all that...... still no e-mail about downloading and installing......

......... i'm miffed!

Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 15:37
by Zenosis
Dabrin wrote:Gah!

i have pre-ordered and paid and all that...... still no e-mail about downloading and installing......

......... i'm miffed!
Um, I had no email either I just visited my account page for The Secret World to check something and saw the download link.

Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 16:40
by Raiah
Dabrin wrote:Gah!

i have pre-ordered and paid and all that...... still no e-mail about downloading and installing......

......... i'm miffed!
How long ago was it and where did you preorder? I preorder not all that long ago, retailer says I should have the code within a week of the day I ordered so...
Zenosis wrote: Um, I had no email either I just visited my account page for The Secret World to check something and saw the download link.
That of course assumes you preordered trough their site.

You can always get a code from Gamespot, if they still have any. It did say US, UK and something more only though I could still get one from them with my account :p

Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 17:30
by Zenosis
Good Point Raiah,

Another problem has come up ran the launcher to double check it was downloaded properly, the download speed for it is now 5 Bytes/sec dropping to 0, with an unknown patch size :S

Re: the secret world

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 22:48
by Dabrin
Went to the homepage. Got the link for the download. And are downloading now.

Also managed to get one more nickname reserved.

Re: the secret world

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 22:29
by Zenosis
OK, just got my email.

Looks like the Open Beta Weekend starts on Friday 11th May 2012 at 4pm GMT (dunno if they took BST into account so could be 5pm)

See you there, look for Zenosis "Maybe have that as the nickname" ((by the way that isn't my reserved name :D))

Re: the secret world

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 12:05
by Raiah
Just redeemed my Gamespot key and I'm downloading now, kind of annoyed at CDON now since they should have sent me a key by now...

It should start 5pm UK time, I calculated the starting time from the US time they gave in the blog post and got 6pm for me (one hour ahead of UK).
I probably wont be playing at that time though, while the launchers estimated time must be wrong and I don't feel like doing the math, I doubt I can get it downloaded by that time.

EDIT: Ok, add very windy day (bad for having a stable connection) to the calculation, I'll being playing tomorrow... Knew I should have activated my Gamespot key yesterday...

Re: the secret world

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 16:00
by Kaetha
Managed to snag a key aswell here dl speed is atrocious though. Anotyher 11 hours to go as of now.