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Ginger is on air!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 16:58
by Ginger

As some of you might know, I've gotten a spot in an online gaming radio called Split Infinity.

It so happens I'm gonna be having my first official shows this weekend, so if you wanna see me making an idiot of myself on air, feel free to tune in :) I'm under the handle "DJ Fumiko", and the schedule of me and other DJ's is here: and the tune-in links for winamp, media player and browser streaming are available on the tiny box on the upper left side of the site.

So tune in if you got a moment :)

Re: Ginger is on air!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 17:25
by JenDoon
Do you do requests?


Re: Ginger is on air!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 18:04
by Yakusoku
Nice, will give it a listen while im in game. Been ages since ive listened to any broadcasts on winamp. Used to listen to the radio via it all the time.