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Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 07:43
by Wright
Hey everyone~ on advice of a wise sage I decided to briefly explain my absence during my last trial.

Shortly after I got accepted for a trial I started to suffer from a unusual infection on my foot that was worrisome enough to make me get hospitalized. The scary details aside it seems a rare bacteria has spread onto my foot-sole and while salves have been healing most of the infection some of my skin was damaged enough to force a surgery to happen later this year where they'll cut away the bits of skin where the remaining infection is.

But on a good note I'm back home and ready to explore a galaxy far far away alongside the kestrel minority~

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 07:46
by Yakusoku
Good to have you back. Thankfully the gallaxy is all ready for you to play in. And theres a big patch soon that will loads of new toys. So a good time to be getting back in

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 08:12
by Lisszia
I can only echo Yaku but well here it goes:
It's nice to have you back, and I hope you will have fun with as from now on, in a galaxy far far away...

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 08:32
by SethAltair
Welcome back. Some kind of mystic sith forces are trying to trash The Minority. All sorts of misfortunes lately... but we won't let them win!

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:50
by Nekxyu
That, of course, would excuse your absence :lol:

I have re-added you as a trialist. Cheers, and welcome back!

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:58
by Lisszia
Was nice to see you in game. :)

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 18:41
by Dabrin
Good to have you back - and also happy to hear your foot is on the mend.

Re: Wright's dark days

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 21:14
by Salihah

Wasn't a sage,was a Guardian,mkay?


Good to have you back!