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Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 17:35
by Terrog
If that's true there goes all your effort put in choice system. Just like it did with Mass Effect.
Devoid of control over my fate , I go deeper into the dark ocean of force only to see if it has a bottom. Having finally silenced myself, only now can I move to my purpose. All spoils of madness are now mine.
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 19:50
by BadJawa
Wotcha everyone,
Role-playing is its own reward.
That, right there, is one of my role-playing mantras. After all, why do I role-play?
Playing a gunslinging cowboy in a western game will not give me an insight into the socio-economic situation in North America during the 1890s, just as playing a Hobbit won't give me an insight into what it's like living in a hole and attempting to earn enough to support a family by farming in a pseudo-medieval fantasy kingdom.
Or at least, if it does, it's probably not a game I'm going to enjoy.
I role-play to have fun. I role-play to escape the boring mundanity of modern life. I role-play because I can.
And I do it expecting no reward other than having fun. Because if I did it for any reward provided by someone else, then I am doing it for the payment. And usually it's my employers that have to pay me, because I certainly will not work for them for free.
I know plenty of people who get paid to do their hobby; within a few short weeks, every single one them started to hate their hobbies because it had become *work*.
Why choose Grey, Light or Dark sides? Well, I'm making my choice based on the character I want to play. Not on what rewards I might or might not get based on those choices. And if I get no reward from BioWare for those choices?
I will not care. Because I didn't make those choices for a pat on the head from BioWare.
I did it because I had fun doing it.
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 22:02
by Yoonbak Onath
Good mantra. That's the beauty of RP! And it's why I am not gonna mouse over dialogue options to see if they grant dark or light side points. Number keys are your friends.
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 02:58
by Alwarin
JenDoon wrote:Xenn wrote:This is pretty weak, hope it is untrue... Was definitely looking forward to the challenge of the grey side.
You can still go full gray, just don't expect to be able to wear any of the specific full light or full dark clothing.
Not really sure you are right. What I gathered from sources like reddit and others, it seems that most-of/all end-game gear is alignment specific.
What I believe is happening is that both light and dark gear has the same stats (i.e. there is no game difference if you go light or dark), but I am afraid most of the good gear will have those requirements.
With that said, I still plan to RP my character through the game and whatever alignment that is gona end up, I will end up with (proly a bit dark, but we shall see). I hold hope that they will eventually add the grey gear
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 06:34
by JenDoon
The best gear in game currently is crafted gear with the best mods you get from flashpoints and operations.
Level 50 PvP vendor gear is also amazing.
The lightside/darkside gear isn't better, it tends to just have rather special looks.
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:02
by Exerxes
If someone is Grey, technically shouldn't they be both Light and Dark at the same time? So following that logic, shouldn't they be able to wear both Light and Dark side stuff?
Not sure where I stand on this. To be honest from what I've seen in so far with quests there are only two choices, the Dark choice and the Light choice. With this in mind I really don't think it would be possible to 'organically' be grey.
The article dude states:
save a group of engineers from their death in the black vacuum of space, and then 45 minutes later condemn an otherwise friendly political figure to a sure death at the hands of the Sith.
Not sure what the story is around the political figure here but basically it seems like the reviewer is trying to balance his points by saying 'I did a Lightside action so the next one is Darkside'. By balancing the points, by being 'grey', the character is just a robot, an avatar of the player's extension; it takes away the actual 'character' of the character.
Balancing the points doesn't work in Roleplay because the character is no longer being roleplayed in order to manipulate game mechanics.
Even with the little time I played over the Skyrim weekend, I got no sense of there actually being 'grey' choices. Without grey choices then really there is no grey side in the game.
Anyways, I don't think it's something to worry about, if BW want Swtor to knock WoW off it's throne then they will have to be as receptive to player wants as Blizz is. And if they are, in that case there WILL be grey stuff eventually, if they aren't, WoW will still be King of the MMO for the next 10 years...
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 14:17
by Sunus
If you're familiar with the Dragonage and Mass Effect games, then you're most likely also farmiliar with the choice of dialogue in the games. If BioWare use their earlier conepts (and from what I understand, they most likely do), then you can select "light", "Dark" and "grey" options. So you can roleplay how you want to respond to something in the game. As for benefits, e.g. Light/dark-point-equipment I don't know how much better that'll be in comparison to what you may be able to gather from quests, "dungeons" and the like.
I do agree however that if light/dark equipment becomes overly powerfull, it'll be cheating the Grey-players alot. But who knows, prehabs "Grey-side" equipment is the default in the game, and the amount of light/dark point just changes some items? Again it'll depend on how powered these items will be.
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 15:59
by Kaetha
I can neither confirm nor deny the fact that stats are identical on light/dark/normal gear and that only the appearance is altered. *shifty eyes*
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 17:42
by Sunus
Would make sense to me if it was/is only looks that is aleted. It's a fair way to give good players nice looking stuff and meaner players something more grimdark than the rest.
Re: Grey perks and abilities may not be in...ever.
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 02:40
by Exerxes
The point I was making is that I didn't really notice a third choice in the little time I've spent with Swtor so far; Dragon Age was an awesome game for choice which I feel is lacking from Swtor.
I never got the impression that there were any 'grey' choices and that the only way to be a 'grey' character is to manipulate the points your character has gained by alternating choices of Light/Dark.
And I would hazard suggesting that if we, as a RP guild, are doing things properly by our characters, then none of us will be 'grey' unless BW implement 'grey' choices; And at this late stage of development it is seemingly unlikely...