We have strict rules about how to and why kick out someone from the guild. There are two cases when it can happen:
- Someone does not appear in game, nor on forum for a long time and leaves no message he will be absent, and does not reply to a PM sent him or her regarding if he or she plans to stay, which we always send to people after a long absence. This means trialists to be set back to registered users on site and members to ex-member rank. Both can rejoin us, trialists with starting a new trial period after refreshing application, ex-members can rejoin without any application, all that is needed is to whisper an officer. It is only formal, to see who is still with us actively or planning to come back at least.
- Breaking guild rules: in this case he or she will get warning from officers first. If he or she continues breaking the rules then officers will discuss with him or her and if no correction is made, then he/she will be kicked out, and even members will be set back to registered user in this case.
- Should this happen, there's no need to leave, and think we just kicked you without warning. If it is just a message or a mail, you can just ignore it if you want, or confirm it is not sent by us with any officer or lieutenant.
- If you are accidentally removed then please whisper an officer for a re invite. (the last did not happen so far as I know, but as all of us can miss click and it is a single click, so can happen.)