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Post by leibeme »

I am going to leave.. My depression is of too much influence to be a guild member.. I do not want to hurt feelings when i am around. I have tried to overcome it but i am not able to handle myself very well. RL is just too overwhelming for me now that treatment has failed. I have to find a way to be able to accept that i am stuck in my ugly shell never being able to look how i feel.

Thank you all for your time.. I did enjoy myself in the guild very much. It is very hard to do this.
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Re: leaving

Post by Lisszia »

*hugs* I wish I could say anything wise or calming to you. If you ever feel coming back you allays can, but I f you feel this is for the better I understand that as well. RL is the first and if it lessens the pressure then all we can do is to let you go. Sometimes I really would like to be a faery with a magic wand..

Thanks for the time you spent with us I was glad to have you here, and will miss you.
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Re: leaving

Post by mistaahh »

It's sad to see you go. Damn. I don't really know what to say. Just this.

Leibe. You're an incredible artist and a beautiful person. Don't forget that. Don't forget that we support you. Whatever choice you make. We're here for you when you come back.

I'll miss you. It is sad to see you go. I truly hope, from the bottom of my heart that you will be alright. I won't ask you to come back. I just want you to be alright. Because you're a friend.

Much love and support,
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Re: leaving

Post by Corvinius »

I am terribly sorry to read that.


And I am terribly sorry to read your anguish and pain.

I sincerely hope for you to get better.

I always enjoyed RP with you and held and HOLD you in high esteem, Leibe.

You never were a burden to us but a valued member of our guild.

As to me personally I appreciate you as a person I can trust and talk to.

And as a wonderful human being enriching me with good music and... just knowing you.

I can only say:

You are welcome any time again.

Take care, Leibe.

I will miss you in game as well as in chats and talks.

May you find your peace and your center again.

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Re: leaving

Post by SethAltair »

I wish you strength, Leibe! Sometimes we need to take some time to ourselves out, and if there's a time you'll feel better about coming back, you're more than welcome. Always enjoyed our rp. Be safe out there~
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Re: leaving

Post by Gardaan »

Yep, chiming in here with similar thoughts- very sorry to see you go. I enjoyed having your company and am sorry that you're going through such hard times.

The Kestrels are a nice bunch, and very understanding. I hope if you do return that you'll consider coming back to us, if that's what you want. You'll always be welcome in our slightly dysfunctional family :D.

Take care :).
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