Bump for your future

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Re: Bump for your future

Post by LedThomsen »

- And true, Qui Gon Jinn did put aside the Jedi Council from time to time, but I don't think anything suggests he ever actet solely on his own behalf. He was sent on missions by the Jedi Council, he did make choices that opposed the Jedi code but as with Tahl he was open to reason and returned to the Jedi Order after briefly having tasted the Dark Side, a side brought forth in him due to personal urges. I believe Jinn and Kenobi were the last two Jedi to ever speak against the unity of the Jedi Order :)
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by Terrog »

LedThomsen wrote:- And true, Qui Gon Jinn did put aside the Jedi Council from time to time, but I don't think anything suggests he ever actet solely on his own behalf. He was sent on missions by the Jedi Council, he did make choices that opposed the Jedi code but as with Tahl he was open to reason and returned to the Jedi Order after briefly having tasted the Dark Side, a side brought forth in him due to personal urges. I believe Jinn and Kenobi were the last two Jedi to ever speak against the unity of the Jedi Order :)
Does it matter what a Lucas came up with when he thought that he would enjoy more money and attention with making the prequels? Jedi are just human (and the like), strictly speaking, they do not have to obey anybody to remain Jedi, hell, they don't even have to follow the so called code all the time because reality (and imaginary reality) is more complex than just ten comm.. err I mean five phrases. My point is that the whole Star Wars universe is not some dogmatic enclosed set of rules, you are free to imagine it your own way, the movies are just a launch pods.

edit: oh i see you guys have written a lot here, let me go back and read it. [okay I've read it]

I'd like to add something:

1. You have to consider that there is war/post-war situation going where the republic is not really in control of anything and is still feeling dizzy after the sacking of Coursasant. Army and Council are broken and lost, so naturally there are people out there who feel that somebody should do something about the situation instead of waiting for others to lick their wounds.

2. The idea of TKM is that at this point the only reason it's members are togather is that we benefit from one-another's actions. Kaetha may even have a secret plan to send our heads Malgus eventually. Some members will behave like mercenaries, thieves, and other less-noble individuals, it's all up to us.
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by LedThomsen »

A Jedi is not born a Jedi to me. A Jedi is a person of outmost self-control - A person who constantly needs to considder himself and life, he needs council and guidance something the force alone can't give him. Because the force itself is incomprehensive to anyone who isn't ready to comprehend it. The essential part of being is a Jedi, imo, is excatly that you aren't born a Jedi it is something you earn. Thinking of this I ask myself what would Master Yoda say? I don't think that he would approve rogue Jedi! (: Jedi are defined by their community. Jedi Master - Padawan, so it must always remain.

Now I understand your frustration towards this dogmatic approach of mine, but the essence of the Jedi, can't be exposed to reformation. So if Jedi must be a part of the operating team of the Kestrels the Kestrels have to be bound to the Republic more than just synpathizing with it. Obviously the Order would station Jedi in bodies of the republic, for an instance Peacekeepers and lore-keepers, Jedi Generals and the like, but Jedi, like the Knights Templar, only obey one authority. This fact would obviously interfere with the very core concept of ranking in a guild as, unless the Guildmaster him or herself was a Jedi within the Order, Jedi needn't subjugate any orders.

I strongly recommend that a way is discussed to find a solution to this! Obviosult the guild can't function and it would be a darn shame, without Jedi!

Considder my words atleast. I hope they contain some wisdom.
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by Thrakos »

TKM weren't meant to be any government sanctioned body nor an official military organization. Originally, before being TKM they were a group of individuals who found they each had a similar goal, albeit approached from different angles and points of philosophical or moral view.

Once the goal was accomplished they found that they worked very well together and had even forged some bonds of friendship thus they decided to cement these bonds in a mutually beneficial group and gave it a name to officially forge it together.

There is no organizational, philosophical, or even ethical reason a jedi cannot be part of or even run such a group in my eyes. The bonds of TKM are meant to be those of friendship and the philosophy of something like 'united we stand stronger where alone we would fail.'

Whether an individual is part of TKM for monetary gain, for a personal way of bringing justice to a dark universe, for the love of battle, he is not forced down any particular path or moral code. In the canteena of the Kestrel guild ship you could easily find a trooper and a smuggler poking fun at a bemused jedi who is patiently trying to enlighten them on the virtues of the light path. Moments later an officer could walk in informing them all that a distress message has been received from a nearby prison colony. The smuggler reaches for his pistols and thinking "loot!" the trooper grabs his gun grinning and eager for the clash of battle, and the jedi solemnly prays to the force and sees an opportunity to aid those in need. They all rise and work together towards the goal of aiding the besieged, yet they all have their own reasons. They know each has their own viewpoint, they accept each other as friends do and take to battle!

Seems to me that the TKM philosophy is about as open and suited to its members as can be. Now if there are players who need a more stricter setting for their stories and roleplay, as stated above, I am sure there will also be many guilds catering to this style.. :)
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by Terrog »

I don't necessarily agree with you about hierarchy and the general Jedi description thing, nor do I understand why you think Jedi would not fit in (I'm not saying that you are wrong, I just did not give it enough thought) but assuming that Jedi must do X do be Y-Jedi (I.e the "real" Jedi), and that X can not be done if Jedi is inside TKM, and therefore Jedi inside TKM is not Y-Jedi, fine leave it. Not everybody has to be Y-Jedi, some may not even want to, I know I wouldn't. It doesn't have to be that you are either an Y Jedi, or a Sith/fallen Jedi whatever. just be a force-sensitive lightsaber warrior who helps out the republic and has his or her own view of Jedism, sounds fine to me. on the other hand if you want to be Y-Jedi you could be simply a friend of TKM, which is basically the same as being inside TKM.
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by LedThomsen »

True and true. I'm 100% sure that the open story of the guild will develope a lot of great fun :) -- But write what you have written here on the forum! Those are really good words you write Thrakos and it is an interesting option to be a "Jedi without the Jedi"-part Machine, so once again, write it down! I guess some succes has been made after all. Thoughts have been thought and views have been enxhanged.
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by Terrog »

LedThomsen wrote: write it down!
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by Yogash »

Within the game all classes get class quests. They can be done solo. They cannot be done with members of the same class. Help can be gained from members of other classes.

Jedi get their missions from their Jedi master. There are also world missions and group areas and missions that really need to be done as groups and are certainly more fun as a group.

You can follow your Jedi ways for the Jedi quests - solo if you really want to, but is that all there is for Jedi? - they have no responsibility to help anyone they encounter?

If you are going to help the locals fight off crazed droids perhaps assistance from TKM would be appreciated. Now you might do it for free..as the force leads you, a trooper might be doing it as he sees it as his duty to the republic as a republic soldier, and the smuggler might be in it for pay and for loot or he fancies the girl...(that might apply to the trooper too!) the important thing is it gets done!

Even a character leaning toward the dark side may want the job done - just for different reasons.
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by JenDoon »

LedThomsen wrote:True and true. I'm 100% sure that the open story of the guild will develope a lot of great fun :) -- But write what you have written here on the forum! Those are really good words you write Thrakos and it is an interesting option to be a "Jedi without the Jedi"-part Machine, so once again, write it down! I guess some succes has been made after all. Thoughts have been thought and views have been enxhanged.

I think we were in the process of writing down our history and our beginnings. There are a few roleplay stories kicking around.
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Re: Bump for your future

Post by Yogash »

Far be it from me to interpret others but this being the bump thread did you mean write it in the SWTOR forum to bump our position while opening an interesting discussion there?
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